Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Abdellah LARHMAID, Deputy Permanent Representative

Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the UN Agencies in Rome

After a review of the Draft Zero of the document on “Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation” the Permanent representative of the kingdom of Morocco would like to propose the following comments to be considered by the HLPE.

General recommendations


Provide more specific examples of urban and peri-urban food systems

 The document could benefit from more concrete examples of how these systems operate in different cities and regions. This would help to make the document more relatable.

Discuss the role of technology in urban food systems

Explore how technology is being used to improve the efficiency and sustainability of urban food systems. This could include a discussion of things like food delivery apps, vertical farming, and smart food waste management systems.

Address the challenges of food security and nutrition in urban areas

Delve into the specific challenges that urban residents face in accessing healthy and affordable food. This could include a discussion of things like, poverty, and food insecurity.

Propose specific policy recommendations for improving urban food systems

conclude with a set of concrete policy recommendations that could be implemented to improve the sustainability and resilience of urban food systems.

Engagement of National Statistical Institutions:

Encourage active involvement and collaboration with national statistical institutions to address existing statistical gaps. By fostering partnerships with these institutions, the publication can benefit from more comprehensive and accurate data, thereby strengthening the foundation for effective strategies in reducing inequalities. Additionally, this engagement will contribute to heightening the focus of national statistical agencies on food security, ensuring a more nuanced and detailed understanding of related challenges and opportunities

Incorporate Measurable Targets within the recommendations:

Introduce measurable targets and indicators within the recommendations to facilitate monitoring and evaluation, allowing for the assessment of progress in reducing inequalities related to peri-urban food and nutrition security.

Incorporate More Concrete Examples from diverse regions

Enrich the report with concrete examples illustrating how addressing inequalities has the potential to advance FSN goals. Real-world cases can help translate theoretical concepts into practical applications, making the report more accessible and compelling.

Structural recommendations:

  • Consider combining or reorganizing chapters: Chapters 2 and 3 both deal with aspects of the urban context and their impact on food security. Combining them into a single chapter, "Urbanization and its impact on food security and nutrition" could improve flow and reduce redundancy.
  • Balance depth and conciseness: While the document requires in-depth exploration of each topic, consider summarizing certain sections, particularly those with extensive subheadings, to improve readability and maintain focus.

Specific Recommendations by Chapter:



Chapter 1

  • Clearly state the document's objective and target audience in the introduction. Briefly mention the key concepts and framework used in the analysis.
  • Clarify the specific strategies or interventions proposed to meet the conditions of Availability, Accessibility, Utilization, Stability, Agency, and Sustainability.
  • Elaborate on how a food secure population can actively demand and contribute to the achievement of the specified conditions.
  • Elaborate on the opportunity’s urbanization presents for livelihoods, improved diets, and increased agency. Include concrete examples of successful interventions or initiatives.

Chapters 2

  • Consider using bullet points or tables to structure key points within subheadings for improved readability. Emphasize the connection between each chapter's findings and overall food security goals.
  • Provide concrete examples or case studies from different contexts to illustrate the bi-directional relationship between global factors and urban and peri-urban Food Security and Nutrition (FSN).
  • Delve into the unique nutritional challenges faced by residents in slum areas within urban and peri-urban settings. Address factors contributing to increased vulnerability in these specific environments.

Chapter 3

  • Provide specific examples of interactions between food systems and urban systems that shape each of the six dimensions of food security.
  • Consider including data or evidence to support the discussion on the variations in components of urban and peri-urban food systems.

Chapter 4

  • include case studies or examples to highlight the substantial variations in components based on urban contexts.
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding urban contexts in coping with global challenges in more concrete terms.

Chapter 5

  • Clearly define the different actors and power dynamics involved in urban food governance. Highlight successful examples of innovative urban food policies.
  • Specify key policy and governance strategies for improving urban and peri urban FSN.
  • Provide examples of successful urban policy or governance strategies and their measurable impacts.

Chapter 6:

  • Prioritize and categorize policy recommendations based on their feasibility, impact, and target audience. Provide concrete examples and case studies where applicable.
  • Offer more detailed insights into critical reflections on the implementation and assessment of relevant initiatives.
  • Discuss specific challenges faced by governance and policy processes and propose innovative solutions.

Chapter 7:

(chapter underdevelopment)

  • Briefly summarize the key findings and reiterate the most important recommendations. Conclude with a call to action for policymakers and stakeholders.
  • Provide a clear synthesis of findings from previous chapters.
  • Offer specific, actionable policy recommendations based on the analysis conducted in the preceding chapters.

Proposal of Additional references

  1. HAKIMI, F. (2022) ‘Assessing multifunctionality and sustainability of peri-urban farming: A case study in the Casablanca Metropolitan Area (Morocco)’, International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science, 6(2), pp. 01–06. doi:10.22161/ijhaf.6.2.1.
  2. Le Système Urbain: Les Acquis, Les Contraintes et les défis à relever pour un urbanisme renouvelé Fédération des agences urbaines du maroc. Available at:… (Accessed: 01 February 2024).
  3. “Urbanisme.” CNEA, Accessed 1 Feb. 2024.
  4. “Urbanisme: Les Actions Du Maroc Pour Réussir La Transition Verte Des Villes Présentées à Nairobi.” Maroc.Ma, 9 June 2023,….
  5. “Urbanisme: Vers La Mise En Place Des Bases d’une Planification Urbaine Prospective, Stratégique et Durable ” Maroc.Ma, 12 Dec. 2023,….