Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)


Jeunes Unis pour le Développement Durable
République démocratique du Congo

Title: Reintroduction of traditional agricultural practices for the conservation of biodiversity in the Kwango province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Introduction :
As part of the preservation of biodiversity and the sustainability of agriculture in Kwango province, we have undertaken an initiative to reintroduce traditional agricultural practices into local communities. This experience aims to promote ancestral knowledge while promoting agriculture that is respectful of the environment and beneficial for local populations.

Context :
The Kwango province in the Democratic Republic of Congo is rich in biodiversity, but faces increasing challenges in land degradation, biodiversity loss and food insecurity. Modern agricultural practices, such as the intensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, have contributed to land degradation and reduced biodiversity, putting food security and livelihoods of local populations at risk.