Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Stronger policy support for OECMs and IPLCs roles at the national level is crucial to enhance agrobiodiversity and empower smallholders to contribute more to sustainability.

1. Policymakers and civil society must acknowledge the critical role of agrobiodiversity in:

  • Ensuring food security by providing diverse and nutrient-rich crops.
  • Building resilience against climate change and other agricultural challenges.
  • Conserving biodiversity through preserving diverse plant and wildlife species.
  • Promoting sustainability by fostering healthy ecosystems and supporting local communities.

2. Solidify and communicate the fundamental connections between:

  • Agrobiodiversity and food security/nutrition: Diverse crops contribute to local bio-culture food systems for healthier diets and lower vulnerability to nutritional and sustainable food security.
  • Agrobiodiversity and biodiversity: Agrobiodiversity contributes to healthy ecosystems, supporting a wider range of species and ecosystem services.
  • Agrobiodiversity and community resilience: Sustainable agriculture based on local knowledge enhances community well-being and adaptability.

3. Embrace the "Seed to Table" Approach: 

  • Participatory Seed selection and management: Preserving and utilizing diverse seeds is crucial for enhancing farmers seed systems and genetic base through value chain for long-term sustainability.
  • Sustainable farming practices: Utilizing traditional knowledge and minimizing external inputs contribute to healthy ecosystems.
  • Direct marketing and community engagement: Building strong producer-consumer connections strengthens local economies and empowers communities.

By applying the above-mentioned learnings, we can collectively move towards a future where food systems are not only productive but also ecologically sound, culturally vibrant, and equitable for all.