Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Anne Gichau


I wish to comment on postharvest losses on cereal grains;about a third of the grain harvested in a farm does not get to intended consumer.The grain is lost during harvesting,handling and storage. The major contributors to the loss are;

  • Damage and consumption by field and storage pests that include insects,rodents and birds.
  • Spoilage
  • Spillage and
  • Contamination
  • The farmers and other grain handlers  need to be equipped with the basics post harvest handling techniques inorder to save a considerable quantity of grains increasing earning capacity of the farmers and traders.
  • The grains should be harvested early as soon as they have reached the physiological maturity,incase of maize drying should be done first to attain a moisture of below 18% before shelling otherwise the sheller will crush the maize resulting into high level of broken grains.After shelling the maize should be dried to moisture 13.5% or below for safe storage.The grain should be treated with fumigants for the control of store pests before storing in bags or bulk. The storte where the grain is to be stored must be cleaned thoroughly by removing all cobwebs, debris and spillage from previous crop as they harbour insects and become a source of infestation and sustain rodents and other pests.
  • Part of the preparation of the store should involve treatment with a recommended pestcide.Every care must be taken to reach the hidden points and crevices as these are areas that act as breeding ground and hideout for pests.
  • One should also make sure that the store is water proof and that the walls and floor are intact and able to carry the weight of the grain. The store should be secured against larger pest such as rodents and pilferes.
  • If the grain is kept in bags,then the choice of the bags is important. for grains in transit,polypropylene bags could be used,however the period of storage must be very short. For safe and prolonged storage,jute or sisal bags should be used.These bags allow free circulation of air and dispensation of generated heat and are easy to fumigate.