Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Taral Rana


Dear All,

As water is one of the natural element viz.Earth,Fire,Water,Air,Space.  So Water is natural element which can not produced by human being.It's god gift.We have to manage this precious gift of God.So as per prevailing conditions of Water availability in India and World we have to take strong actions like harvesting of rain water,save water,save energy,save earth by use of vermicompost.

For saving of water and managing them in proper way,we have to save each drop of water from rain,We have to use water wisely and recycle the treated water effectively.

As an average we have wasted about 85% of water.For recycling the waste water and water use technology we have to think off.

For Rural areas and Urban areas we are wasting water drastically.For that we have to take actions for behaviour change.It is not simple but it is very gradual process for changing of behaviour and mindset of public.

We have to go for public private models for managing water in smart way.I think for food industry we have to develop new technology for treatment and use of water.Treated water can be use for recircultating as well as for reuse

So many natural resources are not being maintaned because they are of Public.So we have to lookout and take strong actions for managing resources.

For Sanitation, Behaviour change is the basic tool for any hardware work.Behaviour change is not so easy as hardware work.We have to change mindset of people.It's a big challenge for any government to takle this issue.So we have to develop a model of PPP(Public Private Partnership).

Water measurmnet from any agriculture industry is difficult,so we have to educate and try to change mind set of farmers to save water.

