Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Omoyemen Lucia Odigie-Emmanuel

Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research
Who are the stakeholders in food security and nutrition?
Who are the Stakeholders in Food Security and Nutrition? Everyone is a stakeholder in food security and Nutrition because everyone has a right to Food and should have a voice in issues that affect them. Stakeholders would include men, Women, youths are Children irrespective of class, age, race or other distinction. Having on board organizations, networks, CBOs or groups working on their issues is critical. Academics, Farmers association, marker Associations, organizations working in areas or themes that impact on the food sector such as organizations working on agriculture, micro financing and poverty alleviation, organizations working on climate change and oceans, organizations working on biodiversity, REDD and chemical and pollutants. Government agencies, policy makers, subsection of private sector.The list actually cannot be closed. 
What are the interests and motivations of each stakeholder? 
The Motivation for individuals and organizations to add their voice is the desire to shape access to food, end hunger, avoid negative impact of agriculture which provides the food to the environment. For many in developing countries food production is a major source of livelihood. The motivation for the private sector is profit so though they are needed, We shouldn't allow them hijack the space but should ensure a balance between profit and rights which cannot become commodity. instead of including private sector with wide powers actively in such partnerships, it is better to focus on inclusion of bodies that regulate them. Government obligation should be an obligation to fulfill the right to food without jeopardizing environmental considerations.
How to attract and retain partners? 
The best way to attract and retain partners is to adopt a bottom up interactive approach that enables stake holders identify problems, proffer solutions and owe the entire process with minimal smart coordination which respect the views of stakeholders. How do
What are their various levels of responsibility?
Levels of responsibility should be shaped by level of obligations 
How to define “multistakeholder partnership” for food security and nutrition?
We Define Multistakeholder Partnership for Food Security? An ideal Multistakeholder partnership for Food Security will bring together and promote action that involves key representative of CSOs including women, youth and men, major groups and other stakeholders working on mainstreaming issues related to their development, related to right to food, agriculture and right to the environment; representative of government departments and agencies working on Goals 2, 13 and 14; and associations regulating the private sector and business organizations.
What are the existing types of partnerships for financing and improving food security and nutrition? 
Mostly in existence are partnerships between donor organizations, the state with little consultation which results in bringing the wrong people on the tables. This often results in empowering the wrong people, misapplication of funds, lack of ownership of projects, marginalization and duplication.
What are the tensions between the nature of these stakeholders and the functions of the partnerships?
Mostly, because  of lack ownership, the partnerships are dysfunctional and have no real impact
What are the goals, effectiveness, impact and performance of various forms of MSPs in reaching FSN objectives, in the context of the 2030 Agenda?
Goals- achieving goal 2 targets
Mostly, these MSP do not achieve their goals and are ineffective.
Sometimes a huge percentage of funds for agriculture end up in the hands of those who won't pursue agricultural projects in reality. This results in zero or a little more impact I food production and do not influence food and nutrition security. Women are cut off from processes but continue in their small scale subsistent farming with all it's frailty.
Private sector investments in farming s purely for business, may attain goals to increase profit margin but definitely increases development gap.
What criteria, indicators, qualitative or quantitative approaches and methodologies could be used to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, and value added for different types of MSPs?
-SDG indicators for goal 2
- level of consultations
- yield graphs 
- no of women who had access to credit
- no of youths who had access to credit
To what extent do existing MSPs influence national, regional and international policies and programmes for FSN?
Little or no impact. Could be improved by consultations, stakeholder identification, improving funding mechanisms and follow up and monitoring criterial. 
What are/should be the respective roles and responsibilities of public, private stakeholders and civil society in such partnerships? 
Public-fulfill human rights obligation and commitments under the agenda 2030
Private- ensure profits do not jeopardize human rights and access to safe and nutritious good.
CSOs- mobilize stake holder inputs, follow up and evaluate impact and promote transparency and accountability.m
What should be the respective contributions of each in the financing and improvement of FSN?
CSOs-technical assistance 
Public-ensuring adequate legal and policy regulatory frameworks and identifying innovative sources of funds
Private Sctors-financial, technical, Corporate social responsibility
How to ensure to all stakeholders a “fair” representation in multistakeholder decision making process? 
Clear, people centred  modalities for representation and promoting gender balance
How to ensure meaningful and effective participation of the people affected by the MSP, in the decision-making process, including in the setting and implementation of priorities?
Intensive stakeholder workshops for capacity development
Actual access which identifies and deals with visible and invisible barriers including issues of reasonable accommodation and funding
How to improve MSPs in order to better implement the SDGs and improve FSN?
Identifying and dealing with barriers and consulting  people for concrete recommendations 
What incentives mechanisms and legal and financial tools could be the most effective, and access to safe and niefficient in this perspective? 
-That which creates incentives for local participation
-grants access to credits and subsidies
-Mechanisms and tools which are developed in a robust consultative and interactive process among multiple stakeholders