Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

GermanyThomas Hausmann

StaeV Rom IO

In recent times, the topic food losses/food waste has come back to the political agenda. Several studies have been launched since (see Brussels-briefing; FAO, World Bank, GIZ etc.) which came to similar conclusions about the scope of wastage, using existing data from FAOSTAT and from former studies in the 80/90es. Accordingly, technical and institutional solutions are generally known from former times, but not (anymore) applied. New data on losses, which are collected in the affected areas and which rely on scientific research are nevertheless rare and there is the need to invest more in research on losses in the affected areas.

The main focus of this study should lies on institutional and policy frame conditions which are able to reduce losses and waste and should elaborate on the right incentives at a policy level to tackle this problem.

[see detailed comments in the attachment, Ed.]