Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Theresa A. Nicklas

Baylor College of Medicine

Attached are two articles (1/2) for consideration regarding three recommendations in the ICN2 Framework for Action-zero Draft to Implement the Rome Declaration on Nutrition. The specific recommendation pertaining to nutrient profiling/nutrient-rich foods cannot be supported because of the research gaps that still exist before there can be a consensus on how best to define nutrient density. The recommendation to “create fiscal incentives and disincentives to encourage healthy diets” opens the discussion on food taxes which cannot be supported because of potential unintended consequences. However, the references made to “nutritionally appropriate diets, without singling out any specific type of food as unhealthy” can be supported because the value of a food should be determined within the context of the total diet.


Theresa A. Nicklas DrPH


Children’s Nutrition Research Center

Baylor College of Medicine

Department of Pediatrics

Houston, Texas