Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear All,

I am proud to declare that I couldn’t join in time as I was in Trivandrum involved in felicitation programme of the World “Agri Icon”- Prof. M.S.Swaminathan. It is because of him today we are in common platform for-‘Innovations in agriculture to improve nutrition’

I suggest you all to go through his Latest Publication ‘Indian Agriculture Challenges Ahead’.

 Despite of my ill health (Stage –IV Cancer), I get inspired manifold seeing ‘ever smiling, ever active (90+) Prof. M.S.Swaminathan.’

I suggested in earlier e-discussion during 24th to 27th February LANSA programme that ‘Food Habit’ is a complex phenomenon and need to be tackled sensibly.

Therefore to achieve the targets of Food- Nutrition & livelihood security, following activities need to be  prioritized-

  • Farming system nutrition tuned with Agro-climatic-site specific crop species.
  • Crop diversification with locally available under utilized nutritionally enriched crops or their reintroduction.
  • Escalation of SHGS (Self Help Groups) to cooperatives.
  • Political will & support for promotion of climate resilient, affordable, nutrient rich underutilized crops as fresh as well as processed products for Food-Nutrition & economic sustainability.

With Regards,

Archana Mukherjee