Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Welcome and happy new year to all.

The small holder farmer is the food producers of my country Nigeria. The account for 90% of the farming population and the provide about 95% of the food consumed every year in my country Nigeria. their contributions is so intense that if there is additional funding for this sector , they will produce more.

Types of produce of this group of farmers ranges from maize crop to legumes , cassava and grains. There had not being any significant change in investments over the years and farming have not changed from ancient practices to modern and improved farming. Though this area has huge potentials.

Investing in small holder farming should be focused on changing the manual forms of cultivation with investment on mechanization.

Clustering of farmers into cooperatives so that there can be a pool of resources that can qualify for funding and easy accessibility and arrangements to off take farmers harvest. also inputs like fertilizers and improved seeds should be distributed. This are basic necessities for a good start in improving the lot of the small scale farmers.

Small scale farmers harvest will grow with an astronomical percentage and this will take care of the food needs of the Country as well as provide raw materials for our industries.

While taking care of the food needs, Cassava produce of farmers could be used in the production of Bio fuels like ethanol.

This will come cheap due to high volumes of expenditure being expected in the Agriculture business.

Hunger will be a thing of the past and poverty will disappear while unemployment will give way to job security and economic growth.