Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear FSN Forum Members and ICN2 Secrtariat,

As a nutritionist, thank you to FAO for giving us an opportunity to provide our comments on the ICN2 draft document.

1. General comments on the Draft of the Rome Declaration on Nutrition

A entire clear and well prepared document but I have to provide some suggestions

The actions should be clear and specific, but not so narrow that they remove flexibility in implementation for countries. Countries should be able to tailor the actions to their own national contexts.

·      Comments on chapter 1-2

I believe that the private sector, governments and civil society must work together to identify and implement sustainable pathways to provide sufficient, nutritious and affordable food for all of the world. Furthermore a section on actions by international partners should be included (including civil society and producers ..)

All actions that will take place should be carefully studied with dietitians from academia and NGO’s from various countries using scientific data.

·      Comments on chapter 3

1. I partially agree with this recommendation in 3.1, paragraph 4 (Healthy diets contain a balanced and adequate combination of foods to ensure sufficient macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and protein) and essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). WHO recommends that diets should ensure........ )

The most important issue is to educate people by experts so that they can be able to make choices in order to consume appropriate healthy food themselves. It is the dose of an ingredient or a certain kind of food that makes it harmful. It is very important so adjust the dose of certain food ingredient. Policy-makers must pay attention to make suggestions that is optimum for all of the world and paying attention to cultural and economic diversities. The WHO recommendations is a draft and it has not been approved by all member states so I think it is confusing to endorse firm limits that is not yet approved by member states.

2. Paragraph on “Food Environments” (3.1.1) and  Paragraph on “Nutrition education for behavior change” (3.3.4) :      

Healthy diet is important but I believe that the most important thing is dose. Especially portion size in nutrition is very important. So we should educate people about correct dose  of these.

For example, as we know milk is healthy but ıf you drink 2 litre of milk  per day, excess amounts of milk consumption may lead to iron deficiency anemia. So milk is healthy or unhealthy ? Of course, a healthy diet can be achieved with portion control. It is not possible to label food products as healthy or unhealthy, consequently promoting certain kinds of food or to dissuade people from consuming certain kinds of food by taxes or such should not be a wise action.

Another point is; correct information about healthy nutrition is very important. Unfortunately there is a lot of information about healthy diet and physical activity in the media in developing countries, mostly not relevant to scientific studies. We have to reach correct information about nutrition. This situation is misleading public opinion.  So public awareness is important, we should educate people about healthy nutrition and exercises.

We have to protect people from pollution nutrition information. Actually this problem is about a lot of things.  For example; Milk is healthy or unhealthy ? Which milk more healthy? Or bread/pasta is good food or bad food for people.  What is the true? We all know trues but people not.  I suggested that measures should be taken to educate people on nutrition and diet should be provided by professionals and academics. This should be regulated by government. Because this is a common problem in many countries and regions.  So  should be create policies about this.

Finally, the references to multi-stakeholder collaboration in this document are weak and do not adequately reflect the significant level of cooperation and partnership between governments, the private sector, and civil society that will be required to end obesity, malnutrition and hunger.