Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Katy Lee

International Agri-Food Network

A Guide to Develop and Deliver Nutritious Food Products For An Effective Intervention Strategy

Woven throughout the Framework for Action (FFA) are references to priority actions that seek to: (1) promote good practices for improving nutrition enhancing food and agriculture; (2) address micronutrient deficiencies; (3) improve micronutrient intake through food fortification; (4) strengthen facilities for local food production and processing; (5) promote the consumption of affordable nutritionally enhanced foods; and (6) increase incentives to achieve these and other priority actions.     

A series of papers were prepared for ICN2’s November 2013 technical meeting.  One of these papers focused on how partnerships can be used to shape new market-based business models for improving the nutritional quality of food products to deliver nutrition solutions and to identify and assemble the essential collateral components to achieve success.

This paper took note of the dearth of successful experiences in earlier approaches and presented a unique tool that recognized the: (1) need and value that stakeholders see for supporting more transparent and essential roles for the private sector, including food manufacturers of all sizes in all countries; (2) adaptability of tools, expertise and capabilities of food companies to address food insecurity through multi sector collaborations at local levels; and (3)  necessity of larger companies to explore how to adapt to local conditions in developing countries by building appropriate business models with local partners that achieve sustainable, mutual social, economic and health values.

The development and delivery nutritious food products is only one of many nutrition intervention strategies that country driven nutrition programs may wish to consider. Likewise, the success of this intervention, as with others, will be dependent on collateral activities that facilitate access, use and effectiveness by the target populations. This paper details the essential aspects of this methodological tool as tracked via a Decision-Tree Mapping Matrix (Tree) which provides an open and transparent framework process to reach go/no go decision points along the roadmap. The complete paper may be found at:

The paper was prepared by J.B. Cordaro based on his development country experiences. J.B. currently serves as the Chair, Nutrition Group of the Private Sector Mechanism of the UN CFS and is a consultant for Mars, Incorporated. in the areas of food security, nutrition security and food safety. The views that he expresses do not necessarily represent those of IAFN or of Mars, Incorporated.