Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

1) What are the main issues for policy-makers to consider when linking climate change on the one hand and food security and nutrition on the other, in particular when designing, formulating and implementing policies and programmes?

Policy review

Awareness of policies, climate change and impacts on food security and nutrition (Past and present and areas to change).

Can the policies/programs/plans in their current form make communities, including the (vulnerable) adapt to climate change.

Policies, some of which were formulated fifty years ago need to be reviewed to;

Meet the current demands in the changing climate and changing food systems

Amend the areas that may not have been considered during enforcement

2) What are the key institutional and governance challenges to the delivery of cross-sectoral and comprehensive policies that protect and promote nutrition of the most vulnerable, and contribute to sustainable and resilient food systems?


What are the terms of operation at organization, community and individual (Staffing level)?

Do the institutions/communities/individuals have the capacity/knowledge/skills to deliver what is expected of each? If no what measures are in place to bridge such gaps

How many people are to be reached in a given period?

How are they to be reached?

What is expected out of each institution/individual after a given period reflecting on the terms of operation?

3) In your experience, what are key best-practices and lessons-learned in fostering cross-sectoral linkages to protect and improve nutrition while preventing, adapting to climate change and reducing and removing greenhouse gas emissions in projects?

Participatory plan development and enforcement at different scales by interdisciplinary teams.

This arises from approaches/tools including but not limited to;

Integrated watershed management (Large scale) and Agro-ecosystem analysis to understand plots, farm and village systems. The approaches and tools engage communities to appreciate strengths, threats, weaknesses and opportunities at watershed and farm level.

Plans if developed and filed by communities may be reviewed to enrich and or fix missing areas of interest to meet nutrition, food security and nutrition and environment health while also reducing emission of greenhouse gases and or absorbing it from the atmosphere.