Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear All UNEP/FAO members

Please find out the detail of activities of Green College, an Innovative adult and extension learning institution for Rural and Tribal Youths to feed the future by the Rural and Tribal Youths by getting Vocational Short Duration,Medium Duration and Diploma Courses being conducted by Green Colleges.

Here Living Farms-Green College is Playing a Major Role in Tribal and Remote area of Rayagada Dist. to show the path to the Agroecopreneurs, Youths and Tribal people to give food soverneighty and sustainability.

Here I have attached some activities of Green College by celebrating International Indegenous People day and Green day in Kachhapaju Village a Remote in accessible area of Bissamcuttack Block of Rayagada Odisha of India.

Please give your suggestions and help these tribals


Bibhu Santosh Behera


Independent Scientist(Climate Smart Extension Education and People's Innovation Science)

