Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Rosaline Ntula



Please find below my answers to your questions

1. Expectations

1.1 I expect the un decade of action on nutrition to consider all the components of the food system because nutrition is a discipline that is affected or that affects all the components/ different steps in the food system i.e. food production, food purchasing power, food marketing, food selection, food education, food consumption, food absorption and utilization and food discharge.

1.2 Addressing all the current and futuristic challenges encountered in all the different steps of the food system will significantly improve nutrition and food security of the people within the next ten (10) years.

1.3 These challenges are: land and water scarcity / conflicts, natural disasters, lack of will to work the land, lack of will to consume healthy food products, health conditions, manpower shortages, motivators/drivers, wars, unemployment, youth unemployment, drought, lack of knowledge of consequences of poor diets, etc...

2 Critical activities among others but not limited to:

2.1. A clear definition of healthy diets, which includes cultural and traditional attributes, should be set and discussed with mothers, during before and after pregnancy by paid health workers.

2.2. A revision of the school curriculum to include food and nutrition as a class should be done.

2.3. Awareness campaigns can be led and policy-makers informed on a regular basis.

2.4. Nutrition strategies and plans of action should be drafted, implemented and monitored.

2.5. Funding of those critical activities can be done through the voluntary contributions of citizens, which will in return be paid back five (05) years later. Records of the contributions should be kept.

3. Commitments

To accelerate and improve the quality of commitments from the various actors, there should be monitoring and rewarding of the actors, done by the United Nations different relevant organs.

4. Relevance of forums in the decade

Forums and other relevant movements should continue consultations such as this one, meetings, seminar, workshops, and remain informed.  If knowledge and time allow they can also train relevant stakeholders.


Thank you.


R. M. Ntula