Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Mme Clare Bishop

FAO Gender Consultant with the Social Policies and Rural Institutions Division

Feedback from the facilitator of the online discussion

Thank you to all new and returning contributors for your inputs to the online discussion during the last week.

A summary of the contributions by topics addressed shows that we have already covered a lot of aspects of question 1 (in terms of the context, needs and priorities of rural women), question 2 (the policy framework and skills development), and question 3 (ways for addressing deeply rooted gender norms and engaging with men).

Have the interests and priorities of rural women in your country of region been adequately reflected in the discussion?

The contributions during the last two weeks have shared insights from around the world on different aspects of the empowerment of rural women. The greatest number of contributions have come from Asia. If you feel the discussion is missing a perspective from your part of the world, please feel free to contribute.

Are there more examples of the private sector creating space to empower rural women?

The topic which has received less attention overall – although there have been some very valuable contributions – is around engaging with the private sector and women’s entrepreneurship. How can women be facilitated to fully engage with private sector opportunities?

Men – are we hearing your voice?

Men have been active in this debate, accounting for one quarter of the contributions. But if you have more to say, especially regarding effective ways of engaging with men and boys to achieve gender transformative impacts, please write in.