Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear FNS Forum readers,

It is great that FAO is conducting a consultation on this important topic. As rightly highlighted in the proposed outline (section 5.4), with increasingly frequent and dramatic climate change impacts striking the most vulnerable people, climate change is one of the main drivers of rural migrations, and will be even more so in the years to come.

As part of the Where the Rain Falls project,  CARE France in collaboration with the United Nations University conducted a few years ago a multi-country research project on the links between climate change, rainfall patterns and migrations.

The central focus of the initiative was to explore the circumstances under which households in selected case study sites in rural areas in Guatemala, Peru, Ghana, Tanzania, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Vietnam use migration as a risk management strategy when faced with rainfall variability and food and livelihood insecurity.

Several reports were produced and disseminated (global report attached here). Following this research phase, pilot projects were launched in 2013 in Bangladesh, India and Thailand and are still ongoing. As part of these projects, CARE is supporting vulnerable farmers to adapt to climate change and develop alternative livelihoods in order to reduce forced migrations. The impact of project activities on rural migrations is assessed through the project's monitoring and evaluation process.

On the same topic, a report was also developed and published recently by CARE Nederland: "Fleeing Climate Change: Impacts on Migrations and Displacement", which provides additonal interesting insight.

I remain at your disposal for additional information.

Best regards,
