Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Tobias Ludes

Global Nature Fund

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to make a contribution to your discussion round on “Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry for improved Food Security and better Nutrition”

  1. EU-LIFE Project “Biodiversity in Standards and Labels for the Food Sector” aims at improving criteria from food standards and procurement guidelines in order to enhance biodiversity in agricultural production. Both, food standards and food companies from all across EU participate in this initiative. After a first analysis of 54 regional, national and international food standards and guidelines a baseline report on how far the schemes address biodiversity was published. Based on this paper and on further interactions with stakeholders and experiences from pilot farms a set of recommendations for the food sector was elaborated. This paper includes biodiversity measures for agricultural production which food standards and food companies should respect in their procurement guidelines and criteria catalogues. A great number of stakeholder will implement these measures in their standard review. To complete the mainstreaming of biodiversity, a monitoring system based on an online tool for potentials for biodiversity on the field is under development and will soon be available for testing. Additionally, a roundtable on the subject of Biodiversity in the Food Sector is about to be created were any interested stakeholder can contribute to the future role of this important topic.

For more information on the project, please visit:



Baseline Report:

In case, more information on the project is needed and wanted, I am at your disposal.

With kind regards

Tobias Ludes