Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

In time of accelerated rate of climate change, relevant concept for human welfare is ensuring that net deficits in dietary intake are avoided. Particularly at an early age.

Sustainable livelihood systems require adequate net dietary intake. Means availability of clean non-contaminated drinking water, control of water and insect borne diseases, avoiding capability poverty (undeveloped brain circuitry due to stunting) at early age, and balanced dietary intake.

Sustainable food security- as apparently argued by FAO -  represents an inferior reductionist concept.

Per A Eklund


Capability poverty by deficits in net dietary intake at early age - Neglected

by the Rangarajan poverty line

•  November 2014 Indian

•   Journal of Community Health 26, Supp S1(5):2,

Per A Eklund