Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Prof. Ali Abdalrahman

Agriculture Research Center(ARC)ـ Agricultural Economics Research Institute(AERI) ـ Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture

The role of the professional structures of agricultural, food security and sustainable production systems


Agri. Economics

President of the International Union for Development, Environment and Investment

First: the role of civil society and the private sector related to agriculture:

The world has seen , especially in the last two decades of the last century, the growing interest in civil society and increase the number of civil society organizations , and there are many reasons that led to this increase, including: the inability of the state alone to fill the needs of the community and the spread of the democratic system , globalization and the collapse of the political systems of totalitarianism and the emergence of political and economic transformations, have become globalization imposes itself on everyone. It seemed sector, civil society organizations, play an active role in society and especially in the field of development.

The study of economic and social contribution to the private sector studies concern. It is observed that most of the civil society organizations in general and agriculture in particular, suffer from some chronic problems, which are as follows:

Weaknesses and deficiencies of individuals belonging to such organizations in achieving an effective role , due to the inability of these individuals to deal with official organizations and the private sector and even with other civil society organizations .

The existence of deficiencies and severe weakness in financial resources.

Sees some individuals belonging to tack civil society organizations, that their incomes in those organizations is the only way the ideological front, and to achieve some personal gain , without having an active role in the revitalization and development of those civic organizations .

Emphasis on private sector participation and local government institutions, the role of these civic organizations, because they are carried out some of the policies and plans that opposes clearly and certainly the role of civil society organizations. The governmental institutions and the private sector to take from those organizations a tool to achieve some of the goals of its own policy.

The relationship between the role of civil society organizations working in rural areas and improve the quality of life of rural people is a positive relationship and therefore the acceleration of progress, and reduce poverty and the gap between rural and urban areas and reduce the gap underdevelopment which has become the most prominent features of rural society in developing countries , and activation of popular participation , as it should be that governments adopt alternative policies that will ensure that the civil rights and economic, social and cultural rights of citizens support the rights of citizens, economic, social and cultural development to reduce poverty and to ensure social security and the provision of services , social welfare, health and education and to ensure the right to security of land tenure and adequate housing . The emphasis on the role of civil society need to adopt development programs focused on rural areas.


That the United Nations organizations and local government institutions and the private sector play an active role through activating the role of civil society organizations more efficient , by emphasizing that in all the discussions and deliberations of formal and informal .

That the focus of United Nations organizations to further training and activation of individuals belonging to civil society organizations to make them more effective, as well as the development of the art of negotiation for these individuals through their dealings with an organization, international institutions, the official and the local private sector, so that they can attract the attention, and encouragement to deal with civil society organizations civil. In order to deepen the partnership with international organizations on the basis of mutual respect and transparency, and not inconsistent with the independence of the civil organizations renewed roles adopted.

Has to be the establishment of a special fund to finance civil society organizations, provided that the financing of this fund local and international organizations and the private sector, in addition to some donors to serve civil society.

Emphasis on private sector participation and scientific research institutions and universities in partnership with the civil society organizations in order to develop the local community towards sustainability.

To achieve a quantum leap in the work of civil society organizations , to support anti-poverty projects , to encourage them to coordinate and work with other parties concerned with issues of poverty , and the distribution of roles among themselves , and take advantage of the potential and expertise of each other. And emphasize the importance of strategic planning for projects geared to combat poverty, and by focusing on one major goal.

Approaching destruction of one of the developmental issues and deal with them in an integrated way, through the achievement of the overall advancement of the families in poor communities is limited.

Build the capacity of civil society organizations in the projects , in a line parallel to the implementation of specific projects , and thus attach to each of the associations rehabilitation and capacity building on one side, and the implementation of projects rely on teamwork from the other side.

Building bridges between research centers and universities and by civil society organizations, on the other hand, with an emphasis on the importance of including the subject of university courses for civil work.

Development methodologies and studies civil society sector to become more effective in the detection of obstacles civil action, and propose practical ways to address them.

Second, food security policies:

FAO is considered one of the most international and local organizations active, which has an effective role and activist, and in the activation of certain policies, food security, through studies, research and food security projects in the world.

Where " Food security exists when all people at all times to access, both physical and economic adequate food, safe and nutritious food to meet dietary needs and food preferences Kate has an active and healthy life ."

Implicit in this definition is the recognition that food security is a multi -dimensional , and there have been many formulations of what the components of food security, for example , identified CFS four key dimensions or " pillars" : is to ensure the availability of , if not the production of sufficient quantities of materials food and ensures access to all the families and all individuals within those households have enough resources to get the proper foods (through the production , purchase, free ) . And ensure a nutritious diet.

Use when the human body is able to absorb and metabolize food. Diet nutritious and safe, biological and social environment adequate, and appropriate health care to avoid diseases help to make adequate food. Is to ensure stability is maintained when the three pillars of the other with the passage of time.

It has been noted by many experts on the need for a column on environmental sustainability, where patterns of production and consumption of food does not deplete natural resources or the ability of the agricultural system to provide enough food and supports many of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa to support the financial year, prices of basic consumer goods, which support was introduced at an earlier stage back until World War II, but he skipped several attempts to fix it , and since then has taken attributes benefits Permanent .

The targeted programs are rare. The range of financial support for food prices from a low of 0.04% in Lebanon and 1.3 % in Egypt, Morocco, and even 2.1% per cent in Syria. But the burdens of global support what is spent on supporting energy prices much higher for some countries: 10% in Yemen 0.9 % in Egypt, and about 5 % in Morocco.

By increasing financial support for food prices, and the imposition of price controls, and the reduction of exports, lowering import tariffs: for example , has been in Morocco lowering tariffs on wheat to about zero , and has also been paying financial support for importers, while allowing Egypt preferential import wheat from different countries . In some countries, such as Lebanon and Egypt, has increased wages and salaries to help consumers overcome the effects of rising prices.

The question now is: Does the rise in food prices to create some opportunities in the long term? Most of the poor are rural, and can rise in food prices when its continuation for years to help increase the income of the poor in rural areas and mobilize the economy.

The supply of food emotive issue, so countries in the region feel a real concern about food security. The rise in prices could help accelerate the increase of productivity and increase local agricultural production. However, the issue of water is scarce in some areas, which requires governments to take action to help increase the efficiency of water use as well. This means an increase crop yields by the unit of water.

An increase in domestic production to help protect countries from the vagaries and fluctuations in commodity markets. But countries in the region also will need to continue to rely on imports and on global markets in order to ensure the supply of food.

They should strengthen their capacity to use: futures markets, options, futures, and other modern tools in order to help meet the needs of food and hedge against the risk of the supply side.

Governments of developing countries better to encourage small-scale agriculture in the new global environment, and what form of special and differential treatment may be required to allow them to do so? "In many cases, the reforms have been achieved" successful "is not in isolation, but as a result of the implementation of policies associated with them.

In drawing lessons from the reforms that are seen benefiting groups of food insecurity, or which say the least , and you do not have disadvantaged them, so it is important to identify complementary policies that facilitated the process of adaptation to more productive activities , and any countervailing policies that act to mitigate losses transitional groups is safe and has only faced a clearer understanding of the effects that are often obscured from trade reform on food security is therefore vital if the drivers of further reform to lead to changes for the benefit of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in poor countries .

It is acknowledged that reforms in sectors other than agriculture, it could have implications far more important both in terms of poverty reduction, through changes in income levels, and food security. It must focus on the agricultural sector and the impact that could be trade reform in its ability to contribute to the improvement of food security in the context of broader structural changes that result from the reforms. This focus justified by explaining the multiple ways in which agriculture, which they can identify and promote national food security of households.

While any trade agreement that alters the balance between trade liberalization and the protection of the particular good or service in the economy, can affect the levels of food security, reform of the relevant agriculture is particularly important for the following reasons:

(1) Agriculture is one of the central contributors to food security in most developing countries; both through its direct contribution to the availability of food, and indirectly as the main engine of economic development and thus improve access to food.

(2) Agriculture is one of the sectors most heavily distorted in many countries, and it has, as a result, has received considerable attention in recent rounds of trade negotiations .

Recommendation :

Need to be food security policies more dynamic and not static, the increasing global variables such as climate change, and changes in dietary patterns, and human behaviors rapidly, in addition to changes in the compositions crop, which requires change, food security commodities.

Phase that they key issues in food security policies and sustainable development policies.

To be involved in civil society organizations and media awareness programs on food security issues in the various communities, in coordination with international institutions and local government and the private sector.

Attention to some other hubs in addition to the main axes of food security, such as :

A. Coordination and integration with the institutions dealing with food security policies, whether domestic or international, and the involvement of civil society organizations.

B. Emphasized that there should be an infrastructure in order to maintain a sustainable food security.

C. Emphasis on tightening the control and inspection of markets by all means possible.

D. The involvement of community members in the development of alternatives to the goods of food security in line with the changing desires of individuals.

E. Controls critical to the operations of the various monopolies, and the reduction of high food prices, both in the case of goods imported or locally produced food.

F. Giving civil society organizations and a strong role in the control of certain markets food security.

G. Seize opportunities to achieve sustainable food security.

H. Emphasize transparency in the implementation of various food securities.

I. The fight against corruption in all images in the application of food security policies, in order to reduce the effects of poverty, hunger and disease.

5-Critical review of what is known from existing literature and other resources in order to facilitate better targeted research and analysis of developments in trade and food security at the national level.

6-To provide a conceptual framework for understanding how trade liberalization and economic reforms relevant could affect the national food security at household level.

7- Provide a practical framework for evaluating the results of previous policies, and to predict the outcome of future initiatives, at both the national and the food security of households.

8-Prevent unhealthy foods , or rationalization of consumption , or imposition tax them , or provide cash support for more nutritious foods , put laws regulating the work of the manufacturers, awareness to individuals about these foods .

9- Address the problem of food waste , which is now one of the problems most prevalent in the community , the depletion of natural resources scarce , and environmental costs and the serious economic and social , and there are many effective ways to reduce food waste , which can result in cost savings and environmental benefits in order to create sustainable food system .

Third, production systems, green and sustainable:

Still a lot of community organizations, they do not have a strong knowledge of sustainability.

In simpler terms, is the production of food and fiber , or other plant products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health and human societies , and animal welfare. This type of agriculture enables us to produce food healthy without compromising the ability of future generations “to follow suit.

And the major benefits of sustainable agriculture: the preservation of the environment, the protection of public health, support communities vibrant, sustainable food in the future, the possibility of agricultural and animal production industry.

In spite of the growing international interest in the green economy, and negotiations between the Member States on this concept in the period leading up to Rio +20 and challenge. This is partly due to the lack of an internationally agreed definition global green economy, and the emergence of terms and concepts are interrelated but different in recent years ( such as green growth and development of low-carbon , sustainable economy, and the economy steady-state, etc.), the lack of clarity about what measures include policy green economy , and how they integrate with the priorities and objectives related to economic growth and poverty eradication , as well as a lack of experience in the design and implementation of national and review of the costs and benefits of green economy policies .

The philosophy of organic food production keeps on certain principles: biodiversity, ecological balance, sustainability and natural fertilization of plants, and natural pest management, and soil health. Since the farms vary in product and practice, and there is also a wide variety in how these principles can be applied. However, the production of organic food must meet certain characteristics:

• Do grown product which is used in the practice of balance with the natural environment, using methods and materials that reduce the negative impact on the environment. Committed to organic farms to replicate the ecology of the natural environment through the preservation of biodiversity and promote healthy soil and growing conditions.

• Are produced on land which had been free of chemical pesticides and toxic pollutants known and projected, and fertilizers for at least three years prior to certification, and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used in production .

• Are planted on a rotational basis within the farm system. Crops are rotated from field to field, instead of planting the same crop in the same place year after year. Planted cover crops such as clover to add nutrients to the soil and prevent weeds.

• Organic meat, poultry and egg products come from farms that use organic feed, no hormones added management to promote growth act naturally.


Must emphasize the development of the concept of sustainability have civil society organizations, through training and various seminars.

Merging practice in the design and implementation of national strategies for the green economy by both developed and developing countries in most regions, including Africa, Latin America, Asia Pacific and Europe countries. This emerging practice can help to provide some important ideas and clarity much needed on the types of policy measures the green economy, its scope with regard to the various sectors and national priorities, and institutional barriers, risks and costs of implementation.

Farms sustainable support local economies through the provision of job opportunities for members of the community and buy supplies from local businesses. Also require more workers sustainable farms and create more jobs, while you also do a better job of feeding people on smaller pieces of land from industrial plantations.

Despite the fact that agricultural subsidies defective part, but the vital system of government support for farmers present. Where agriculture is that unlike most other businesses, because it is costing the farm on an annual basis to borrow money to cover operating costs, with the hope that their crop generates profits covers borrowing costs high for most farmers. This is because of the weather, and the spread of pests, financial speculation, and agriculture is also highly volatile business.

Farmers' markets and food cooperatives, and community supported agriculture programs continue to grow in popularity, making the local cuisine in a sustainable manner that produces more available. These programs offer consumers a chance to put their dollars directly into the pockets of farmers, cutting out middlemen and cooperation and strengthening regional food system.

Increase sustainable food production from consumers concerned, to take responsible choices. By purchasing sustainable foods from local farms or groceries shops, leads to support the farmers who raise food responsibly and actively encourage the growth of a more sustainable diet. Instead of giving money to the industrial sector, agriculture, and give it to sustainable farms. And buy food directly in farmers' markets.

Fourth, rural women:

Through many different studies and research shows that rural women are less likely than urban women, due to lack of education and lack of potential for them to opportunities such as urban women. Although rural women have an active role prominent and active in rural areas, making it more active than urban women, especially in developing and poor countries.


To emphasize the growing rural women, through glances role, and it is not less effective for urban women.

Attention and focus on the key issues faced by the rural women, such as women -headed households, and women's health, education, and activate the role of development in rural areas, and the emphasis on the role of positive and effective in the development of society, and it is a tool of local food security and self.

Emphasis on further studies which aim to detect the activity of women in the organizations of civil society rural private, and in the civil society organizations in general, is part of the struggle and the struggle of women to participate in the development of their communities, and for the defense of the rights of the other side.

Role in the formulation of the social movements of women in many countries, where it was parallel channels to influence the policy-making process and decision-making.