Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Non communicable diseases is a major global health risk. We need to recognize the fact that a family member cooks food for the well-being of the family while a business cooks food for the profit motive. This change in role of food preparation has huge implication on the health of the family and the society. In the process of food preparation the businesses resort to food design/formulation to tickle food consumption in humans. In the long run inducing food consumption through ajinomoto, saccharine, thickeners, flavor enhancers, glazing agents, coloring agents, quantity discounts, price offers etc result in overeating that causes obesity and other non communicable diseases. Children & young adolescent have very little ability to distinguish between the food consumption for hunger and the onsumption for the sake of consumption experience. An attachment to consumption experience is called addiction. Considering the wellbeing of the Children & young people, the relationship between food business and children should be well regulated to prevent food related health harm.