Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Sangya Kaphle


Contribution received through the e-Agriculture platform

Question 4

When we are talking about open data, open source, open APIs, and closing the digital divide, it is important to also consider open governance structures as an alternative.

 The proposed structure is very Top Down and Top Heavy. The Executive Council who  "ultimately decides" everything is far removed from working groups, implementation, monitoring, and avisory aspects and their accountability stucture is not presented. It looks like an old political model, which is not the norm in the digital sector lead by global public agencies.

Alternative structures formed around participatory and open governance models have been endorsed by multiple UN and partner agencies (including FAO) in the Digital Principles. They are prefered by UN Innovation Network, Open Goverment Partnerships (74 National Governments, and 20 local governments are members), Transparancy International have delivered important results in countries as well as globally. Open Governance models are critical and feasible for this council since it aims for digital transformation also at the grassroots. An executive council, removed from practice, ultimately making decisions, with a pre-dermined number of seats (21) is not going to create this transformation and looks to be motivated by political reasons rather than needs, evidence and results.

Key pillars for open governance have already been identified and have also been implemented  (e.g. colaboration, participation, transparancy, accountability) and are gaining traction in countries. A Secretariate, Community Interest Groups, Technology Interest Groups, Peer-support groups, and Working groups with independant reporting structures is an alternative model. Ultimately decisions should rest with Data, Evidence, and Results shared and discussed with transparancy, including with those who are more vulnerable and are affected the most by these policies.

I would like to suggest an open governance structure as an alternative.