Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres

Mme Diana Gahn-Smith

Organisation: Ministry of Health, Antimicrobial Unit
Pays: Libéria
Domaine(s) de spécialisation
I am working on:

The coordination and implementation of AMR activities in my country,
i am also doing my master in MPH, specifically Epidemiology

Ce membre a contribué à/au:

    • 1. One of the biggest challenges related to AMR and inappropiate antmicrobial usage (AMU) in Africa is the lack of adequtae and informed  provision of education to precsribers, commercial pharmacies and medicine stores operators and the community dwellers on the danger of self-medication, self- diagnosis and the resulting adverse effects of poor health seeking behavior by the population.

      2.Firstly, AMR prevention and control strategy should be looked at from a multisectorial point of view. Additionally, AMR focal Points of various countries must put proper coordination mechanism that will bring together relevant sectors to discussion the threats of AMR and misuse of antmicrobial agent; in so doing, a clear understanding of  the composition of antimicrobials agents will be communicated to representatives of these sectors. Finally, a strategy can be put into place to creat awareness ,educate and train health care workers, vets  and the population on various antimicrobial agents ( viral, fungal parasite pesticides etc,) on the use of these agents.

      3.Considering AMR as new in the health sectors, a program on awareness for schools and communities should be set up to discussion AMR related issues with the authorities and the community leaders through the school science health program and community forum.   Media coverage and scheduled radio talk show with school health program and community leaders  will also help in communicating and informing the entire population on AMR and AMU. This can be talyor to other learning institutions and communities  with continuous financial support.

      4.Communication channels: working with school health programs, community focus group forum, development of social media platform with health teaching insttutions,  and coordinating with the administration to incorporate AMR in their curricula, the media and also working with  sectors other then health on relevant AMR issues, civial society group.

      5.Group of Stakeholders: Community dwellers, students (junior and senior high students)  Prescribers in both human and animal health sectors, Pharmacists and Physicians, medicine regulatory authiority, Associations of commercial and medicine stores and civial society organizations, health teaching institutions.

      6.At national, regional and continental: AMR Coordinators, AMR Technical working groups (TWGs), Donors /Organizations  supporting  the implementation of AMR activities,county governments, public health institutions and sectors involved with AMR related activity.

      Thanks for the oppiortunity given me to make my comtributions.

      Pharmacist Diana K. Gahn-Smith

      AMR National Focal Point, Liberia