Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres

Dr. Monica Dantas

Organisation: Concordia University
Pays: États-Unis d'Amérique
I am working on:

I am researching food sustainability through community development. My research focuses on a family farming organization from the Northeast of Brazil that emerged from the Brazilian Landless. The research surveys the current circumstances of the solidarity economy in that region.
In Montreal, I am part of community initiatives such as Incredible Edibles, Transition NDG, also founded Season Jars a community-based, education initiative that uses food as a platform for community building, food security, inter-generational and intercultural learning.

I am a Ph.D. graduate from Concordia University, Montreal. My interdisciplinary study involved sustainable development through data analysis, observation of community organization, and policy integration.

Ce membre a contribué à/au:

    • Suggestions for FAO Consultation on the Development of a Voluntary Guidance Tool for Small-Scale Livestock Productivity

      Dear FAO Consultation Team,

      I am writing to provide my suggestions and views on the proposed objectives, scope, nature, and process for the development of a dedicated voluntary guidance tool for the sustainable enhancement of small-scale livestock productivity. With my background in sustainable family farming development in Brazil, focusing on socio-economy and gender in agriculture, I believe there are crucial considerations to ensure the effectiveness and inclusivity of such a tool.


      • Inclusivity and Equity: The primary objective should be to address the unique challenges faced by small-scale livestock farmers, emphasizing inclusivity and gender equity in access to resources and benefits.
      • Sustainability: Promote sustainable practices that respect the environment and enhance biodiversity while meeting the livelihood needs of small-scale farmers.
      • Technology Integration: Acknowledge the challenges small-scale farmers face in integrating technology into their practices. Emphasize the development of appropriate, farmer-friendly technologies that align with sustainable principles.

      Scope and Nature:

      • Holistic Approach: Take a holistic approach that considers not only production but also socio-economic factors, community well-being, and gender dynamics. This should include a recognition of traditional knowledge and practices.
      • Capacity Building: Include provisions for capacity-building programs that empower small-scale farmers, particularly women, with the skills needed to adopt sustainable and technology-integrated livestock practices.
      • Market Access: Address the issue of market access by integrating strategies for connecting small-scale farmers to markets, ensuring fair prices, and reducing intermediaries.

      Challenges of Technology Integration:

      • Systemic Approach: Advocate for a systemic approach in technology development that incorporates traditional knowledge. Small-scale farmers possess valuable insights into their local ecosystems, and this knowledge should be integrated into the design of technologies.
      • Educational Support: Promote educational initiatives that provide training and support for small-scale farmers in adopting and adapting technology. Public and private institutions should collaborate to offer targeted training programs.
      • Policy Advocacy: Encourage policies that incentivize the development of technologies aligned with small-scale and sustainable principles. This may involve creating a supportive regulatory environment and financial incentives for sustainable technology initiatives.

      Process for Development:

      • Participatory Approach: Adopt a participatory approach involving small-scale farmers in the decision-making process. Their involvement ensures that the guidance tool is practical, culturally sensitive, and responsive to their needs.
      • Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between public and private institutions, NGOs, and local communities. A multi-stakeholder approach ensures diverse perspectives and resources are considered.
      • Pilot Programs: Before full-scale implementation, conduct pilot programs to test the effectiveness of the guidance tool in different contexts. This allows for adjustments based on real-world feedback.

      Economic Importance Recognition: 

      • Small-scale farmers often sell their livestock to larger processing plants, contributing significantly to the overall economy. The guidance tool should emphasize the economic importance of these transactions and advocate for accurate measurement methodologies that reflect the true value generated by small-scale production.
      • Policy Advocacy for Recognition: Encourage policy changes that recognize the economic contributions of small-scale livestock farmers, even when their products enter larger processing plants. This recognition is essential for justifying increased support, investment, and tailored policies to address the unique challenges faced by small-scale producers.
      • Capacity Building for Record-Keeping: Promote capacity-building programs that empower small-scale farmers with the skills needed for effective record-keeping. This includes educating them on the importance of documenting sales, transactions, and production data to ensure accurate representation of their economic contributions.
      • Stakeholder Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between small-scale farmers, processing plants, and relevant governmental agencies to establish transparent and standardized reporting mechanisms. This collaborative approach ensures that data on small-scale production is accurately captured and contributes to informed decision-making.
      • Public Awareness: Advocate for public awareness campaigns to highlight the economic significance of small-scale livestock production. By educating the public and policymakers, the tool can contribute to a greater understanding of the role played by small-scale farmers in the overall agricultural landscape.

      Role of AI and Big Data Analysis:

      Furthermore, it is imperative to recognize the potential role of AI and big data analysis in gaining insights from different stakeholders. These technologies can facilitate the collection and analysis of diverse perspectives, helping to produce valuable insights on viable paths forward. Incorporating data-driven decision-making processes will enhance the adaptability and efficiency of the guidance tool.

      In conclusion, the development of a dedicated voluntary guidance tool for small-scale livestock productivity should be comprehensive, inclusive, and responsive to the specific needs of these farmers. By addressing the challenges of technology integration, incorporating traditional knowledge, and leveraging AI and big data analysis, we can create a tool that truly enhances sustainability and livelihoods.

      Best regards,

      Monica Nunes Dantas, PhD.