Just Released: Version 2.0 of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Technical Manual
On the 12 October 2012, the IPC Global Partners ACF, CARE, CILSS, FAO, FEWSNET, FSC, EC-JRC, Oxfam, Save the children, and WFP officially launched Version 2.0 of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Technical Manual.
The IPC Technical Manual Version 2.0* is a comprehensive revision and update of the IPC Technical Manual Version 1.1 and aims at meeting the challenges emerged from the IPC field applications since 2004. The IPC Manual Version 2.0 offers new innovations, such as the IPC analytical framework, prototype tools for analyzing chronic food insecurity situations and clear functions to guide the work of the IPC analysts from the beginning to the end of their work. The IPC Manual Version 2.0 also reconciles key differences in approaches to food security analysis among national governments and international agencies, allowing for greater buy-in and collaboration.
The IPC Technical Manual Version 2.0 is the result of two years of technical consultations and field testing involving hundreds of professionals from different countries and regions. It gathers the inputs of national governments, NGOs, UN agencies, donors, and academic institutions, and it was made possible by the support of several funding agencies, and in particular the European Union.
The IPC Technical Manual Version 2.0 has been released initially in English, with other languages (French, Spanish and Arabic) following as soon as possible thereafter.
Download the IPC Technical Manual V2.0
IPC Version 2.0 Launch Event > Photo Gallery
About IPC > www.ipcinfo.org