Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Rapports et notes de synthèse

Le droit à l’alimentation: Engagement passé, obligation actuelle, action supplémentaire dans le futur – Rétrospective des dix ans de mise en œuvre des Directives sur le droit à l’alimentation

L e droit à l’alimentation: Engagement passé, obligation actuelle, action supplémentaire dans le futur – Rétrospective des dix ans de mise en œuvre des Directives sur le droit à l’alimentation analyse certains des principaux problèmes rencontrés dans la mise en œuvre des Directives sur le droit à l...

Rapports et notes de synthèse

Smallholder Integration In Changing Food Markets

Recent increases in the levels and volatility of food prices have created significant challenges to efforts to reduce levels of food insecurity both at national and household levels. As a result, significant political attention has been given to the promotion of improvements in food staples...

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Formation, outils et bases de données

Monitoring commitment and capacity to act on food insecurity and malnutrition

The Food Security Commitment and Capacity Profile methodology There is a global consensus that strong political commitment by Governments and development partners is key to the elimination of hunger and malnutrition. It is against this background that FAO has developed a methodology to assess and...

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Résumés des consultations

Street Food: The way forward for better food safety and nutrition

This article summarizes the outcomes of an FSN Forum online discussion on Street Foods (September/October 2011). The discussion was part of a study carried out by FAO’s Regional Office for Africa on possible incentives to improve the safety, quality, and nutritional value of street foods.

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Rapports et notes de synthèse

Climate Change and Food Security in Pacific Island Countries

With increasing global temperatures, rising sea levels and more frequent and intense extreme weather events, Pacific islands countries, especially those in warmer latitudes, are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Their populations are expected to be among the first that...

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