Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Mesure et évaluation

IPC Global Event on the Use and Impact of IPC

The IPC Global Steering Committee is organizing a two-day IPC Global Event under the theme Use and Impact of IPC at the Global, Regional and Country Level which will take place on July 1-2 2014, at FAO-HQs, Rome Italy.

The event will be also the platform to launch the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification as well as to present the the new IPC Nutrition Classification initiative.

The IPC Global Event is structured as a two-day series of consultations and interactive seminars and consists of the following events:

1) On July 1, the IPC Partner & Donor Consultation is a targeted consultative forum to review, input and debate on preliminary findings of the IPC Baseline Use and Impact Study which is being conducted in several countries. Participants will include representatives of global IPC stakeholder, partner and donor agencies, Regional Inter-government Bodies (CILSS, SADC, IGAD, SICA and others), and relevant food security programming and policy organizations. A selection of 10 IPC Country Best Practices will also participate.

The morning session of the IPC Partner & Donor Consultation is open to all interested while the participation to the afternoon session is reserved to core IPC partners.

2.) On July 2, the IPC for Decision Makers Seminar Series is an open-day to learn on the relevance and usefulness of IPC analysis for strategic decision making. The seminar sessions will cover a series of IPC topics with brief overviews, real practical examples and case studies. The open-day also includes two special sessions:

Launch of version 1.0 of the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification

Presentation of the IPC Nutrition Phase Classification Initiative.

The IPC for Decision Makers Seminar Series and Special sessions are open to the public and all interested stakeholders.

The IPC Global Event will be also webcasted and the link will be available very soon on our website:

United Nations "My World" Survey

The “My World" Survey (  is a United Nations global survey where citizens from all over the world are voting on issues they think are important in their lives. The “MY World” survey offers individuals a list of 16 issues to choose from. The voters are then required to prioritize six of those issues they consider most important to their lives. The survey results will be used for the future development agenda of the U.N. after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) end in 2015. 

One year after its official launch by the UN Secretary General, Ban-Ki Moon, MY World survey has gathered more than 1.7 million citizens’ voices from 194 countries. The data that the survey continues to gather generates important information, not only in terms of global priorities, and how these differ by country, gender, age, level of education and location but also serves as useful inputs to the body of evidence available to member states in their discussions to shape the agenda.

Take the survey now!


Third issue of the IPC Newsletter

This third issue especially highlights important initiatives and technical developments undertaken at Global Level, among them the Launch of the IPC Global Strategic Programme and Vision (2014-2016), the 3rd Chronic Scale Synthesis Meeting, and the ISS Pilots in Tanzania and Honduras. It also features recent IPC impacts, results and progress achieved at Regional and Country Level in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


Questionnaire - Profil d'engagement et de capacités en matière de sécurité alimentaire

La FAO est en train de mettre au point un Profil d'engagement et de capacités en matière de sécurité alimentaire qui a l'objectif de fournir un panorama rapid et complet du niveau d’engagement et des capacités des autorités nationales en matière de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle. Afin de recueillir les commentaires des praticiens sur cette nouvelle approche proposé, nous vous invitons à remplir un bref questionnaire.

participants: 117

Questionnaire - Série d’indicateurs proposés par la FAO our assurer le suivi de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition

La Division des statistiques de la FAO vient d’élaborer une nouvelle série d’indicateurs pour assurer le suivi de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition à l’échelle mondiale. Cette série a été présentée dans l’État de l’insécurité alimentaire dans le monde 2013. Des travaux sont en cours pour tenter de synthétiser ces indicateurs dans un indice agrégé.

participants: 187

Launch of the IPC Strategic Programme and Vision

Online Virtual Event , 27 Feb 2014, from 10:00 to 12:00 am (UTC+01:00)

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Global Strategic Programme and Vision (2014-2016), will be launched on February 27, 2014 through a webcasting and video conferencing event, from 10:00 to 12:00am.

Keynote speakers from the IPC Partner Agencies and Regional Inter-governmental Bodies will present the longer-term breakthrough approach to IPC rollout and implementation at all levels in 2014-2016.

Live presentations will focus on the top priorities of the IPC Global Strategic Programme:

  • IPC Institutionalization and Partnership at all levels;
  • Consolidated and expanded capacity in IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis;
  • Rollout of the IPC versions 1.0 Chronic Food Insecurity Classification;
  • Piloting of the IPC version 1.0 of the Nutrition Classification;
  • IPC Quality Review and Compliance Process; and,
  • as ultimate goal, uptake of IPC analysis into decision-making and response analysis process.

For more information about the Launch, please look at the attached tentative agenda of the event. The final event programme and more information about IPC Global Strategic Programme will be posted shortly on the IPC website.

The link to attend the live presentations in English, French and Spanish will be available on the IPC website on the day of the event. The core panel will be hosted by FAO-HQs Rome, Italy, and connected with delegates from the Regions and key stakeholders.

Rapports et notes de synthèse

Resilience Measurement Principles – Toward an Agenda for Measurement Design

FSIN Technical Series No.1 The Food Security Information Network (FSIN) * supports the development and harmonization of methods and tools for food and nutrition security analysis. A technical working group composed of renowned experts was constituted to lead the development of a common analytical...

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Rapports et notes de synthèse

Suivi et analyse des politiques agricoles et alimentaires en Afrique - Rapport de synthèse 2013

Le Rapport de synthèse SAPAA présente les principaux résultats issus d'un effort sans précédent de suivi et analyse systématique des effets des politiques agricoles et alimentaires dans dix pays en développement africains: le Burkina Faso, l'Ethiopie, le Ghana, le Kenya, le Malawi, le Mozambique, le...

Second issue of the new IPC Newsletter

This issue especially highlights important initiatives and technical developments undertaken at Global Level, among them the IPC Global Steering Committee Meeting, which this year was combined with a Partners and Donors Consultative Meeting and an IPC Fair & Seminar Series, the development of the IPC Global Strategic Programme, and the launch of a Short Training Course for Users of IPC Analysis. It also features recent IPC impacts, results and progress achieved at Regional and Country Level in Asia, Central America, and Africa.