Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)


Webinar: Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition

The SUN Civil Society Network invites you to participate in the Learning Route follow up webinar:

Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition

Date: 31st January 2017

Time: 10:15 - 12:00 (GMT)

Language: English (translation in Frengh and Spanish will be available for the Q&A sessions)

At the end of October the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Network, in collaboration with SUN Alliance Rwanda and PROCASUR Corporation, launched the first international Learning Route exchange programme in Rwanda. This six day peer-to-peer learning exchange brought together alliances from 9 African countries to learn from innovations being used by stakeholders in Rwanda including civil society to scale up nutrition. The Learning Route focused on key areas of intervention including multi stakeholder coordination, communication for behavioural change, social mobilisation, value chains and decentralisation. As result of the LR exchange, each Alliance submitted an “Innovation Plan”.

Join the webinar to find out more about the learning and innovations developed by the Alliances.

Résumés des consultations

Summary of "Maximizing the Impact of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition"

This document summarizes the online consultation Maximizing the Impact of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition which was held on FAO’s Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 20 September to 16 October 2016. The consultation was facilitated by Christine Campeau from the United...

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Rapports et notes de synthèse

How Access to Energy Can Influence Food Losses

The report begins by reviewing the evidence to date focussing on the magnitude and geographical distribution of food losses. In the next sections the role of energy in post-harvest losses is discussed. Thereafter, the main entry points within the food value chain where lack of access to energy is...

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Partenariats multipartites pour le financement et l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition dans le cadre du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 - Consultation électronique du HLPE sur la portée du rapport

Au cours de sa quarante-troisième session plénière (17-21 octobre 2016), le CSA a chargé le HLPE d’élaborer un rapport sur « Partenariats multipartites pour le financement et l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition dans le cadre du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 », lequel sera présenté à la quarante-cinquième session plénière du CSA.

Dans le cadre du processus d’élaboration de son rapport, le HLPE lance aujourd’hui une consultation électronique destinée à recueillir les opinions et les commentaires sur la portée et les éléments constitutifs du rapport, tels qu’exposés ci-après et proposés par le Comité Directeur du HLPE.

Rapports et notes de synthèse

Wholesome Nutrition: an example for a sustainable diet

by Karl von Koerber, Nadine Bader and Claus Leitzmann Working Group Sustainable Nutrition, Mutter-Teresa-Strasse 20, 81829 Munich, Germany Institute of Nutritional Sciences, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany 'Wholesome Nutrition' is a concept of sustainable nutrition that was developed at...

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Résumés des consultations

Synthèse de «Comment pouvons-nous protéger les pollinisateurs et souligner leur importance dans les pratiques environnementales et agricoles?»

Ce document présente la synthèse de la discussion en ligne Comment pouvons-nous protéger les pollinisateurs et souligner leur importance dans les pratiques environnementales et agricoles? tenue sur le Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN) de la FAO du 22 août au 9...

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New website for the United Nations Standing Committe on Nutrition

The United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) mandate is to provide global strategic guidance and advocacy in nutrition to ensure engagement and investment at the highest level and to ensure progress towards nutrition security for all.

The UNSCN is open to UN Agencies and platforms and includes a number of the major UN players in the international food and nutrition fields.


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Formation, outils et bases de données

Food Based Dietary Guidelines

FAO’s Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) website aims to serve as a repository for government-endorsed FBDGs and associated information, presented in an organized and homogenous format. It also functions as a platform for relevant resources that touch on the design, implementation and evaluation...

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