Lauch of a new CoP on Evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development

EVAL-ForwARD is a new Community of Practice on evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development, jointly promoted by the evaluation offices of the Rome-based agencies: CGIAR (formerly known as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), FAO, IFAD and WFP.
Its first public launch took place at EvalColombo2018 during the side event The role of Evaluation in the public sector: how best to support national capacities. Conference participants had the opportunity to engage with the Directors of the Evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD and WFP on the aims, opportunities and thematic focus of this initiative.
The objectives of EVAL-ForwARD are to enhance awareness and capacities at country-level about evaluation in the agriculture, food security and rural development sectors, with a close focus on the evaluation of efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 – End Hunger.
Evaluators, development practitioners, researchers and government officials are welcome to join the Community of Practice and:
- Exchange evaluation information, practice and knowledge;
- Propose resources and blogs;
- Post information about events, conferences, training opportunities.
The first EVAL-ForwARD webinar on Evaluating with a Sustainable Development Goal 2 lens: experiences to date is planned for the second half of October and aims to uncover the challenges encountered and the good practices on which the development community could build, fostering further discussion and exchanges on the topic, which is at the core of the Community’s mandate.
EVAL-ForwARD uses a Dgroup mailing list for knowledge-sharing and a website as a repository of information and resources. To sign up to the Community and to find out more, please visit:

L’emploi des jeunes dans l’agriculture comme solution solide pour mettre fin à la faim et à la pauvreté en Afrique
Cette consultation en ligne s’inscrit dans le cadre des préparatifs en amont de la conférence « L’emploi des jeunes dans l’agriculture comme solution solide pour mettre fin à la faim et à la pauvreté en Afrique : Mobiliser les jeunes grâce aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) et l’entreprenariat » et est tenue dans l’objectif d’obtenir un large éventail de points de vues sur les thèmes clés et de donner aux jeunes impliqués dans le secteur agricole et le développement rural en Afrique la possibilité de partager des expériences, des exemples de réussite, des leçons tirées et des bonnes pratiques en matière d’entreprenariat et d’innovations numériques dirigés par les jeunes dans le secteur agricole.
Land Resources Planning Toolbox
The LRP Toolbox is a freely accessible online source for a range of stakeholders, directly or indirectly involved in land use planning. The Toolbox contains a comprehensive number of existing tools and approaches that are used to implement land resources planning. The overall goal of the Toolbox is to make potential users aware of the existence of these tools, facilitate access to their information, and assist with the selection of those tools that meet the requirements of different stakeholders, operating at different levels, in different regions, and in different sectors. See the users’ guide for more information.
The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition - Advancing knowledge. Supporting policy-making. Impacting lives.
This new publication presents the work of the FSN Forum, offering an overview of how Forum activities and its vast network of participants around the world help FAO to tackle the root causes of poverty and hunger and support countries, organizations and communities in their efforts to improve lives.
Dialogue on responsible investments in land: perspectives from Tanzania and globally
Landesa and the Land Portal will co-facilitate a dialogue on the principles and practices of land-based investments, with a focus on the Tanzanian context. This is intended as part of the broader conversation on responsible investment in land principles, guidelines and practices that has proliferated since the 2009 food crisis and subsequent ‘land grabs’ that swept the global south. This discussion is intended to bring to the fore a grounded perspective on a conversation and debate that often remains in the conceptual or abstract. The Tanzanian context is particularly relevant because of the government’s interest to increase agricultural investment and revise the current National Land Policy with the process underway, which, among other topics, has implications for decision-making processes around land-based investments.
The conversation has two primary objectives. The first is to increase awareness about investment practices in Tanzania and empower the voices from within Tanzania to discuss the realities of trying to improve responsible investment practices in the country. The second is to improve the understanding of global experts and practitioners who are designing and/or advocating for more responsible investment practices in the region and globally.
Please visit the following webpage for more information:….
The dialogue will be available on the Land Portal from 5 until 16 June 2017.
Join the CFS-UNSCN event: Investments for Healthy Food Systems
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) are hosting the event Investments for Healthy Food Systems on 9 May 2017 from 09:30 – 17:00 CET, at FAO HQ, Rome. This event is part of a series of events to “develop common understanding of issues and lay the basis for informed CFS policy convergence work” on nutrition and food systems, called for by the strategy “CFS engagement in advancing nutrition”. In line with this strategy, this event aims to increase common understanding about how policies and investment opportunities can improve nutrition through healthier food systems. The UNSCN Discussion Paper Investments for Healthy Food Systems will serve as the foundation document for the discussion.
The UNSCN Secretariat invites you to actively participate in the event, either in person or through the webcast ( and live Q&A session on Twitter (#CFS4Nutrition, @UN_CFS). Interpretation services will be provided in all UN official languages.
Boîte à outils et Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition
La FAO vient de publier de nouvelles ressources : la Boîte à outils et les Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition. Cet ensemble intégré de manuels – résultat d’un processus collaboratif impliquant les différentes divisions techniques de la FAO et les partenaires extérieurs – a pour but d’améliorer les capacités pour formuler, mettre en œuvre, suivre et évaluer des politiques et programmes d’alimentation et d’agriculture sensibles à la nutrition, ceci en ligne avec la Déclaration de Rome sur la nutrition, les ODD et la Décennie d’action des Nations Unies pour la nutrition.
La boîte à outils comprend quatre manuels:
- Recommandations-clés pour améliorer la nutrition à travers l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires
- Concevoir des programmes d’investissements agricoles sensibles à la nutrition. Guide pour la formulation de programmes
- Agriculture et systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition en pratique. Options d’intervention (en anglais, bientôt disponible en français)
- Recueil d’indicateurs pour une agriculture sensible à la nutrition (en anglais, bientôt disponible en français)
La série de Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition s’appuie sur l’utilisation de scenarios et une méthode d’apprentissage expérimentale afin d’aider les professionnels impliqués dans la formulation de politiques et de programmes à intégrer la nutrition dans leur travail.
Deux modules sont déjà disponibles en ligne:
- Nutrition, sécurité alimentaire et moyens d'existence: concepts de base
- Améliorer la nutrition à travers l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires -(en anglais, bientôt disponible en français).
Ces ressources sont gratuites et libres d’accès, et téléchargeables aux liens suivants :
Webinar: Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition
The SUN Civil Society Network invites you to participate in the Learning Route follow up webinar:
Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition
Date: 31st January 2017
Time: 10:15 - 12:00 (GMT)
Language: English (translation in Frengh and Spanish will be available for the Q&A sessions)
At the end of October the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Network, in collaboration with SUN Alliance Rwanda and PROCASUR Corporation, launched the first international Learning Route exchange programme in Rwanda. This six day peer-to-peer learning exchange brought together alliances from 9 African countries to learn from innovations being used by stakeholders in Rwanda including civil society to scale up nutrition. The Learning Route focused on key areas of intervention including multi stakeholder coordination, communication for behavioural change, social mobilisation, value chains and decentralisation. As result of the LR exchange, each Alliance submitted an “Innovation Plan”.
Join the webinar to find out more about the learning and innovations developed by the Alliances.

Légumineuses : Innovations du champ à la marmite
Etant donné que l’année internationale des légumineuses arrive à sa fin, nous souhaitons vous inviter à regarder vers l’avenir et analyser les innovations qui pourraient contribuer à surmonter certains des défis qui subsistent dans la culture de ces importants produits agricoles.

FSN Forum strategy planning workshop: Linking practice and innovation to policy through online consultations
A two-day, face-to-face workshop, involving key FSN Forum members and FAO colleagues active in knowledge sharing was held in Rome (Italy) on 12-13 December 2013. The purpose was to allow for a constructive exchange of ideas aimed at gathering inputs for the continuous development of the Forum in general and for the upcoming medium term strategy in particular.