Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Urgences et résilience


Réagir à l'impact de l'épidémie de COVID-19 sur les chaînes de valeur alimentaires à travers une logistique efficace

La pandémie de COVID-19 se révèle être le plus grand défi sanitaire, social et financier du vingt-et-unième siècle. Elle a un impact non seulement sur la vie, les moyens de subsistance et la nutrition des populations, mais aussi sur le commerce des denrées alimentaires, les chaînes d'approvisionnement alimentaire et les marchés. Dans le cadre de cette consultation en ligne, nous vous invitons à partager des exemples, des bonnes pratiques et des études de cas sur la façon dont l'impact des mesures de confinement liées au COVID-19 sur la sécurité alimentaire et l'agriculture est géré dans vos pays en termes de commerce et logistique.


L'Accord sur la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine et le développement agricole: Enjeux et perspectives

L'Accord portant création de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf) offre à l'Afrique une occasion unique de déployer son potentiel économique en faveur d'une croissance inclusive et d'un développement durable. Pour qu'il soit propice à la sécurité alimentaire et à une meilleure nutrition il est largement admis que l’accord portant création de la ZLECAf devra être étayé par des mesures et des politiques d'accompagnement. Cette discussion en ligne a pour but d'ouvrir un échange d'idées, de bonnes pratiques et de leçons apprises sur les enjeux et les perspectives de la mise en œuvre de la ZLECAf dans le secteur agricole.

Rapports et notes de synthèse

COVID-19 Policy Briefs Collection

This collection of policy briefs presents a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the pandemic’s impacts on these areas. Briefs are released on a day-to-day basis. Please check back frequently for the latest available briefs.

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FAO's work in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

FAO has implemented an array of tools to support policy analyses and assess the impact of COVID-19 on on food and agriculture, value chains, food prices, food security across the globe.

  • Urgent policy measures
  • Policy briefs
  • Policy responses
  • Big data | Daily updates
  • Food policy warnings
  • Crop calendars

Strengthening food production and distribution systems is key to fighting hunger and entails helping tackle diseases wherever they emerge in humans, animals, plants or the environment. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global health crisis, and FAO is playing a role in assessing and responding to its potential impacts on people’s life and livelihoods, global food trade, markets, food supply chains and livestock. FAO believes this will allow countries to anticipate and mitigate possible disruptions the pandemic may trigger for people’s food security and livelihoods, avoiding panic-driven reactions that can aggravate disruptions and deteriorate the food and nutrition security of the most vulnerable.FAO is working closely with WHO, WFP, IFAD and OIE and other partners, harnessing broad networks to drive further research, support ongoing investigations and share critical knowledge.

Survey on the CFS Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has launched a survey to collect experiences and good practices in the use and application of the CFS Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA).

This survey complements an earlier call for inputs issued in March 2019 and will contribute to monitoring progress on the use and application of the CFS-FFA, both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective.

The survey is available in EnglishFrench and Spanish and you are welcome to provide your answers in any of the six UN languages. Deadline is the 30 April 2020.

For additional information, please contact [email protected].

Rapports et notes de synthèse

Disaster risk reduction at farm level: Multiple benefits, no regrets

This report presents the findings of a multi-year FAO study undertaken on over 900 farms in ten different countries that measured, using field data, benefits gained through the use of innovative farming practices designed to boost the resilience of farmers in the face of natural disasters and other...

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Rapports et notes de synthèse

Crop prospects and food situation, July 2019 – Issue No. 2

According to this report, 41 countries, of which 31 are in Africa, continue to be in need of external assistance for food, including Yemen where, in the December 2018−January 2019 period, about 15.9 million people faced severe acute food insecurity.

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Rapports et notes de synthèse

Food security and violent conflict: Introduction to the special issue

We review briefly recent trends in food security and violent conflict and the quantitative literature discussing their interactions, as reflected by the papers in this special issue. We find a large diversity in experiences of food security and conflict, posing a challenge for causal identification...

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Rapports et notes de synthèse

Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations

The report provides an overview of the magnitude, severity and drivers of acute food insecurity in eight countries and regions that have the world’s highest burden of people in need of emergency food, nutrition and livelihood assistance as a result of protracted conflict combined with other factors...

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Rapports et notes de synthèse

Food security and armed conflict: a cross-country analysis

The report analyses the relation between conflict and food security, using country-level data that cover 106 countries in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America between 1961 and 2011. The results highlight the negative correlation between conflict and food security, illustrating how certain...

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