Profil des membres Voir tous les membres Dr. HAKKI EMRAH ERDOGAN Membre depuis 2023 Organisation: EC JRC Pays: Italie Domaine(s) de spécialisation Techniques agricoles
Études de cas sur les technologies et les innovations des systèmes agro-alimentaires au service de l'action climatique: Appel à contributions pour le Forum de la science et de l’innovation de la FAO 2023 Appels à contributions 29.05.2023 - 24.06.2023
Dr. HAKKI EMRAH ERDOGAN EC JRC Italie 23.06.2023 Dear Ms Livinets, Thank you for sharing the call for proposals for the FAO SIF 2023. Please see the attachment for our proposal to contribute to the FAO SIF 2023. We would appreciate it if you could confirm receipt. Kind Regards ----------------------------------------------- Hakki Emrah Erdogan Scientific Officer European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre Sustainable Resources / Food Security / LUChaP Ispra/Italy Tout afficher Afficher sur une page séparée See the attachments: European Commission_Form
Dear Ms Livinets,
Thank you for sharing the call for proposals for the FAO SIF 2023.
Please see the attachment for our proposal to contribute to the FAO SIF 2023.
We would appreciate it if you could confirm receipt.
Kind Regards
Hakki Emrah Erdogan
Scientific Officer
European Commission
Directorate General Joint Research Centre
Sustainable Resources / Food Security / LUChaP