Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

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    • Dear HLPE-FSN team,

      Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback, and thank you for considering my suggestions. Overall, the document is a thorough, thoughtful and well-written report. I have just a few comments I hope you will consider.

      Re: the chart on page 4 (Sustainable Food Systems)- it might be wise to clarify which of the two blocks implies "economic viability": either Access (equitable) or Availability (productive and prosperous). It is clarified on p. 31 but not on the chart. 

      This is a critical statement (p. 5): Definitions used and criteria created need to align with the questions to be asked of them. Central to this report is the notion that urban and peri-urban areas should not simply be viewed in technical terms. It could be useful to not only expand on this statement a little more, but to also shift this part to an earlier section of the document (i.e. the intro, 1.1). Section 1.3.3 is expansive on this subject, of course, but since it is the topic of the report, it could be shifted to the beginning, as well. 

      P. 8 - An important statement here - "Relatedly, food systems in much of the Global South have been shaped by policy prescriptions that orient them towards production for export and reliance on imports, which undermines the potential of local production for local consumption. This raises important questions addressed in the report about the power of individual cities to shape their food systems in the context of global trade regimes."-- perhaps the added mention of covid and post-covid realizations about the priority of domestic food security for many of these countries has added value for future policy prescriptions. 

      Figure 1.4: Conceptual framework for the report (p. 11) - the size of the font is making it very hard to read. 

      p. 35- (D) on the topic of marketing to children. This is a critical topic and deserves significant expansion, particularly on the consumers of the future. Could data be included related to age and gender vis a vis projection of future nutritional statistics as it relates to the current food/nutrition marketing practices towards children and the future of FSN?

      Lastly, I would like to make a serious recommendation for the inclusion of specialty diets and their link to strengthening the global supply chain and thus global food security and nutrition. This became even more evident during and post-Covid era. Throughout the document there is no mention of Halal, Kosher, vegan or vegetarian diets, yet the global demand for these types of ingredients and food products is rising rapidly, particularly in urban and peri-urban settings. The Halal sector is of particular economic importance due to its projected $2T market potential and the significant impact it has and will continue to have on the global supply chain. I'm happy to expand on this topic further and/or to contribute data and references should the HLPE-FSN team wish to include it in this report. 

      Thank you very much for considering my feedback. I hope it provides helpful recommendations. 

      Yvonne M. Maffei