Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Member profile

Dr. Lindy Fenlason

Organization: Independent
Country: United States of America
Field(s) of expertise:
I am working on:

The nutrition pillar of a maternal child health task force that is facilitated by a bipartisan think tank in Washington, DC. Is involves development of country-specific nutrition assessments and recommendations as well as USG-focused recommendations for further contributions. I also continue to teach young professionals about global nutrition and to do a few nights of pediatric clinical work each month, thus I have the privilege and opportunity to be involved in nutrition across a spectrum of audiences and nutritional needs.

This member contributed to:

      1. What are your expectations for the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition and how could it make a significant difference in improving nutrition and food security of the people in your country within the next ten years?

      -focused attention/validation of nutrition as an essential global issue requiring urgent action

      -acknowledgment and action that collegial and consistent with being on the same playing field. 

      -acknowledgement and participation/contribution on the forms of malnutrition across the malnutrition spectrum

      -continue to increase evidence and evidence-based programming here at home while also providing technical guidance and resources in other country settings (but not simply exporting protocols and standards without acting on what happening in the US)

      2. What critical activities need to be included in the Work Programme for the implementation of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition to reach the 2025 global nutrition targets? Which activities would need to be accelerated in your country to reach these targets? How could these activities be funded?

      -data!!!!! Tracking prevalence and trends in malnutrition forms as well as evidenced base around initiative that can be taken to scale. 

      - building local nutrition leadership capacity: clinical and community provision and programs that are nutrition specific and/or nutrition sensitive, governance (dietetics, nursing, public health, ag, research, M&E, knowledge management, policy,...

      -recognizing obesity fully as the urgent form of malnutrition that it is. Conveying that message clearly and relevantly to the public and other stakeholders

      3. What can be done to accelerate and improve the quality of commitments from the various actors? What role(s) should public and private actors play in monitoring their implementation?

      4. How can other relevant forums, such as the CFS and the UNSCN, contribute, and how can other movements (e.g. human rights, environment) be involved in the Decade?

      -so many other sectors are tied to nutrition. Open the door, provide consultations,  and examples for these sectors to make public statements and focused action commitments, creating unified messaging and translating that into action (steps in integrated programming and demonstration of proof of priniciples), even if quite small to begin. And then consider how nutrition can reciprocate- reinforcing the unifying messages.