Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Member profile

Dr. Nawal Al-Hamad

Organization: Administartion of Food and Nutrition, Ministry of Health
Country: Kuwait
I am working on:

WHO strategies on NCDs: Salt and fat intake reduction, Sugar reduction (10% of total cals), Evaluating 24hr urinary Na (including 24-hr urinary Nitrogen and FFQ to assess food intake). EMAN project (second phase); and the Kuwait Nutrition surveillance System (monitoring)

This member contributed to:

    • Dear Sir/Madame

      The ICN2 frame work for action is an excellent document.  I would like to congratulate all those- country and regional representatives-  who were involved and participated in the writing of the frame work for action draft. We had an input in the EMRO region through our Oman representative.

      It is well structured; important nutrition issues regarding political will and commitment, social protection, economic, health and agriculture and others are properly addressed ; what is needed is strategies (with prioritized action plans) and commitment to implementation.

      This document will certainly be used as reference and guide to many nations for hopefully achieving the goals and targets.

      Wish you a successful ICN2 meeting and fruitful outcomes;

      Dr. Nawal M. Al Hamad, MD, PhD

      WHO Temporary Regional Nutrition Adviser, EMRO

      Director, Food and Nutrition Administration,

      Ministry of Health, Kuwait.