The Animal Production Promotion Coordination (MAPA) has been working together with the other departments of this SDI/MAPA with the aim of making efforts to expand the implementation of sustainable production systems in livestock farming by Brazilian producers, including the use of agroforestry systems, crop-livestock integration, crop-livestock-forest integration, and the restoration of degraded pastures;

We understand that the implementation of these systems is a viable and efficient way to integrate biodiversity into agriculture, as well as to restore and protect natural sources of water, diversify income sources for producers, and face climate change with greater resilience;

To achieve this, we have been coordinating with partner entities from the public and private sectors to implement technical cooperation projects focused on the dissemination of sustainable systems and technologies aimed at the livestock sector among rural producers, technical assistance technicians and extension workers, and technical and university-level students, providing training and technical assistance in the implementation of these systems in the field, dissemination of available credit lines for investment and financing for their implementation, and facilitation of access to them, as well as for studies and suggestions for new credit lines and identification of market mechanisms for payment for environmental services and carbon;

Currently, we have signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Brazilian Association of Mineral Supplement Industries - ASBRAM aimed at training approximately 360 field technicians in sustainable livestock production systems to support livestock farmers throughout the national territory;

In the final stages of development, we have the Technical Cooperation Agreement other partners whose purpose is to disseminate sustainable livestock production technologies among technicians and rural producers, evaluate and propose market mechanisms to stimulate, value, recognize, and commercialize carbon credits generated from sustainable production systems in voluntary markets, support the development of a differentiated credit line for sustainable livestock farming, and promote the creation of sustainable models of collective governance on a national scale;

Lastly, we are in coordination with GIZ - German Agency for International Cooperation in alliance with FAO, participating in the PoliLAC project - "Regional Action to Improve Protection for Pollinating Insects and Pollination Services in Latin America and the Caribbean" with the aim of expanding management practices and governance that promote an ecosystem service of pollination at the local, national, and regional levels.