Jake Rice


I plan to take more time to read the other contributions to this consultation.  However, I did want to broach one subject that I think needs to be part of any review of the role of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture and food security.  (and as I read the contributions already made, I could well discover that it has gained significant traction anyway).  As a member of a team of authors for one of the chapters of the next IPCC Assessment Report (AR5) I have had ot example many of hte projections by FAO, OECD and other highly credible agencies with regard to expected impacts of climate change on crop and livestock production.  The picture is not pretty, particularly when combined with projections of human population growth in some of the most food insecure parts of the worlds, which are often also parts of the world disproportionately dependent on fisheries and aquaculture for dietary protein as it is.

I think that it is inescapable that we must find ways to increase food from the sea by a lot, and it is a matter of how, not if we do.  It will require difficult discussions on fisheires - biodiversity issues but the sooner we start such discussions the sooner we can find a path forward for making such increases sustainable. 
