Christopher Manyamba

Institute for Nutrition , Food and Nutrition 9University of Pretoria)
South Africa

The HLPE will assess the impacts of water management practices on food security, including water usage for agricultural production. 

It will be very good if data will be collected in order to compute inices and assess the impact. I note that water measurements in agriculture is often difficult; for instance percent of agricultural land under irigation in the FAOSTAT has scattered data from 2002-2010. The SADC target is to incraese land under irrigation from 3.5% to 7% by 2015, which is related to CAADP pillar 1. Unfortunately, it is difficult to make policy conclusions because the countries depend on the FAOSTAT data on irrigation; which is also very scanty. HLPE should ensure that there are systematic ways of quantifying water used in agricultural production, otherwise it will be difficult to do the assessments.