Wilfrid PINEAU

Pro-Natura International

Maybe we could have a bit of more info on some wild (local, native) fruits consumed by rural (and urban for some fruits like kola nuts) communities.

Domestication of native fruit trees is an important key for natural resources management (these native fruits are part of AFS  and threatened), high nutrition and social/traditional value as well as important economic activity (more and more expensive as disappearing from forest & field a more and more consumed in big cities).

A kind of table (matrix) presenting major regions of the world and native fruits (selected with several relavant criteria (nutrition, market, extinction...) ) would be nice.

It would also be relevant to mention simple vegetative propagation practices like cuttings to propagate and domesticate native fruit trees, so that trees will fruit earlier (2 times earlier), then attractive for farmers who can eat and sell quickly, ensuring food security and revenue.

Other NFTP could be included (mushrooms, vegetables, animals...).

ICRAF have been working on native fruit trees domestication in West Africa and NGOs have done so with less funding.

A great resource person is Roger Leakey.

Pro-Natura international (www.pronatura.org) has pulished 3 Agroforestry Guides (Nigeria, Ghana and ivory Coast) soon available on-line. Attached is the Agroforestry Guide for Ivory Coast.

Producing and using biochar made from unutilised agricultural and forestry wastes is also a highly relevant option to improve crops and tree yields in a sustainable way, protecting soil biodiversity and fighting global warming.


Best regards,

Wilfrid PINEAU.