Dear Madame/Sir at the HLPE-secretariate;
As a Swedish candidate for the HLPE project Team you kindly invited me to comment on the draft scope of this work, so I hereby take that opportunity:
Needless to say, the draft deal with the vast majority of the most important issues under this theme. It is "just" a matter of balance and how to communicate the outcome of the analyses. In think it is three issues that are particularly critical and that I want to emphasize:
- That the consumption (and production) of the highly nutritional animal source food is very asymmetrical distributed over the world AND WITHIN countries and societies as well.
- That the nutritional security is the main reason for keeping livestock (besides the obvious livelihood aspects) in most parts of the world, BUT there are, often marginalized and vulnerable, societies where livestock is outmost important as a food security mean.
- That the environmental impact of livestock is very complex and diverse and vary tremendously between systems and countries.
Well, this is very challenging, important and interetsting subject, but I think I end my e-mail here….
Ulf Magnusson, DVM, PhD, Dipl ECAR
Professor and Head of Division
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, SLU
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Clinical sciences
Division of Reproduction
Ulf Magnusson