The drivers and obstacles to development for Zambia in the next 30 years are the Zambian people themselves. Unless the mindset of an average Zambian is changed to begin to believe that only Zambians can clearly define their economic direction, it would be impossible to land in "KUDYELA" scenario. Right now I can safely say that we are under the "MWADYAMWEKA DAD". It is from this scenario that I believe its only Zambian's who can best sort out this scenario through a democratic process. Zambia has over the years seen some of the worst economic decisions being pronounced and implemented by the very people whom we elect into power to try and sort out the economic injustices. Without any doubt these decisions have negatively contributed to setting of wrong priorities not only in the agricultural sector but throughout the spine of the nation. The net result of all the poor decisions coupled with lack of long-term planning has been declining rural development. I want to agree with the other contributors that the general management of the Zambian economy has been that of a black box rather than transparency.
I want to believe that things will only get better when the generation that grew under UNIP has completely disappeared from the face of Zambia. The UNIP generation spends more time on how to fix each other rather than fixing the economy so that we can have a Zambia where no one goes to bed without a meal or indeed waking up without any assurances of breakfast. The MMD generation is also another problem as the philosophy of "MWADYAMWEKA" is deeply enshrined in nearly all the citizens.
However, not all looks like "YAZANDA", I can foresee a generation within the next 30 years that is going to put things right. Day by day I see the Zambian people becoming more aware of their role in national development than it were 30 years ago.
Д-р. Royd Vinya