Reports and briefs

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Food Security, Conservation Agriculture and Pulses: Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Zambia

Food insecurity is common place among 44% (six million) of Zambian population. Conservation agriculture (CA) is an option being promoted to address this problem. There is little evidence showing whether CA adopters are better than non-CA adopters in terms of food security. Using a four years panel...

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Africa Human Development Report 2012

The 2012 Human Development Report for Africa explores why dehumanizing hunger remains pervasive in the region, despite abundant agricultural resources, a favorable growing climate, and rapid economic growth rates. It also emphasizes that food security – the ability to consistently acquire enough...

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Climate-Responsive Social Protection

In the years ahead, development efforts aiming at reducing vulnerability will increasingly have to factor in climate change, and social protection is no exception. This paper sets out the case for climate‐responsive social protection and proposes a framework with principles, design features, and...

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Exchanging Agricultural Market Information through SMS in Cambodia

Market information is essential for agricultural development and to improve food security, particularly for small‐scale producers and traders, who typically have limited access to, and understanding of market information and analysis. Good market information helps ensure transparency...

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Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals

This fact sheet highlights the progress of rural women against key Millennium Development Goal (MDG) indicators, pointing to some of the advancements made and gaps that still exist. It few exceptions, rural women fare worse than rural men and urban women and men for every MDG indicator for which...

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Human Rights Translated - A Business Reference Guide

The purpose of this publication by MONASH University an UNHCHR is to contribute to this process of clarification by explaining universally recognised human rights in a way that makes sense to business.

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Gender and Rural Employment Policy Briefs

Rural employment is currently the subject of considerable discussion in international policy circles, particularly in the context of the global financial and food crises, as it could play a very powerful role in reducing poverty worldwide, thereby contributing to meet the Millennium Development...

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Agricultural Engineering Interventions to Increase the Productivity of Women in Agriculture: Some Studies from India

The woman does the most tedious and back-breaking tasks in agriculture, animal husbandry and homes. The research efforts at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutes have tried to relieve her of the drudgery by providing time and labour saving tools such as improved weeders...

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