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    • Г-жа Fatma Sobo

      Umoja Fisheries Association
      Объединенная Республика Танзания

      Hi Nicole,

      Here is my personal comment from what I can see in Tanzania as far as the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication implementation was concerned.  The SSF Guidelines was well implemented in Tanzania and I think we were the first country in Africa to come up with a National Plan of Action (NPoA).  However, its difficult now to implement the planned activities due to inadequate funds which the Government has.  SSF has to be capacitated in many aspect form education, capital and even the cost of implementation. The aim is to shift them from being small as we term now to big who may manage to go to Deep water fishing at least for tuna and tuna like species from the EEZ for those who can manage.  But how?

      There always concentrated to the shore, they are about to finish the stock there, but still fish are available at the EEZ at least in seasonal wise.  How can we help them.  Lets Illuminate this Hidden Harvest and help them to be lighter and lighter financial wise so that they can improve their livelihood.