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    • Проф. Hettie Schonfeldt

      Institute of Food, Nutrition & Well-being, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
      Южная Африка

      The Institute of Food, Nutrition & Well-being at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, is grateful for the opportunity to submit our brief comments on the draft ICN2 Framework of Action to implement the Rome Declaration on Nutrition.

      General comments (Chapter 3)

      The "Background" (1.1, paragraph 1) and the "Framework for action "(1.2, p2 last paragraph and p3 second paragraph) clearly refer to NCDs. Furthermore, in the "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" (p 4, paragraph 13a) also reference is made to overweight in children. This, however, does not translate into Action (Chapter 3 of the Framework). We thus propose that childhood and adult obesity be included in 3.3 (Health) so as to address this public health concern worldwide, and in particular in societies in transition, for adults as well as children.

      At 3.3.1 The priority actions to address anaemia in women of reproductive age should firstly include a food-based approach, before recommending supplements and fortification, e.g. increased consumption of small animal source foods in vulnerable groups could be a valuable and sustainable food-based approach to assist in combating anaemia.

      At 3.3.4 Nutrition education is well covered, but economic incentives for having an abundance of affordable and healthy foods should be encouraged.