Г-жа naghmeh mohamadiee

Организация: Golpakhsh sobhemrooz گلپخش صبح امروز
Страна: Иран (Исламская Республика)
Область (области) знаний:
I am working on:

Food security City food supply systems Urban and domestic agriculture with the aim of food and organic products Urban Agriculture Education Planting in modular and narrow spaces of vertical and class planting Home food production Planting home-grown products and creating domestic employment


my name is naghmeh mohamadiee by from iran

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cooperative Company .... I have activity in the field of planting in limited and urban areas And for this purpose, we create a vertical green space, a green roof and a field for planting in any place. Production of products related to green space and urban furniture is another of our activities 

I am doing research in the field of urban agriculture and planting methods at home and smart that can bring income to families, and I have also had implementation cases that have been very successful and I have met with an unprecedented welcome, especially from women.

Suggestion: To provide food in the city for food security, the production of advanced planting kits and in the houses is so that every citizen who is interested in planting vegetables and summer vegetables and sprouts will be interested and even in schools.

We have experienced that women are very, very interested

  Food security and healthy food is one of the most basic and important human needs and this is so important that its effect will result in a healthy life and healthy children and ultimately the next generations.

If any official has a complete understanding in this field, he will spare no time to give necessary training to others to understand it, so that others also understand its importance.

This issue is not just an experience or a science, but an understanding of the facts that, along with the modern science of agriculture, must be understood accurately and conceptually.

I have a suggestion that maybe a solution can be implemented with the help of agricultural NGOs, FAO and the United Nations

Small organic home greenhouses "organic biopacks" portable and light

These packages include small home greenhouses in different sizes (depending on the ability and space of each family) and have the following items:

A- small home greenhouses

1- Organic soil and fertilizers necessary for plant growth and instructions for use and methods of planting and maintaining plants

2- Vermicompost

3- Plant seeds

4- Small home greenhouse (smart) with artificial light and automatic irrigation or by osmosis method

5- Timer for different plants selected for planting

6- and other required items

B – small hydroponic greenhouses

   And if the hydroponic method is desired, the items required for hydroponic planting should be included in the package


1- Saving resources

2- Saving water

3- Saving space and soil

4- Saving energy

5- All the members of the society will share in the plant foods needed by the body and at least for life, and anyone who wants to have an income can have more production and sales through these greenhouses.

6- Creating training classes for how to use and produce edible plants at home in new and simple ways

7- Processing products such as turning sprouts into children's cereal and....


Many thanks

Naghmeh Mohamadiee





Этот участник внес свой вклад в:


      In the name of god

      In my opinion, one of the food supply solutions in the country is for food security, the production of advanced planting skills and at home, so that every citizen interested in planting vegetables and fruits, and buds tends to, and even in schools

      We have experienced that women are very much interested

      Healthy food and healthy food is one of the most basic and most important human needs, and this important is important because its impact will lead to healthy lives and healthy children, and eventually to future generations.

      If any person has a thorough understanding of the subject, the lack of reflection and death will give them the training needed to understand it so that others will understand it too.

      This is not just an experience or science, but an understanding of the facts that, along with the modern science of agriculture, must understand a concept. When we understand the subject with all its elements, then we will come to the consequences.

      I have a suggestion that could be implemented with the help of NGOs, FAO and the UN.

      Small Organic Greenhouses Organic Batch Bags & Carriers

      These packages include small household greenhouses with the following resources:

      Organic soil and fertilizers necessary for the growth of each plant

      2. Vermicompost

      3- Seeds of plants

      4- Small greenhouse with artificial light and automatic irrigation or osmosis

      5- Timer for different plants selected for planting

      6. Other items required

      If you make these packages at the right price and give the people you want, we will take advantage of it:

      1. Save time

      2- Save water

      3. Save the place and soil

      4. Energy saving

      5. All people in the community will share in the plant nutrition needed by the body and at least in life, and anyone who wants to earn money can grow more in these greenhouses and earn sales.

      6- Creating training classes for the use and production of home-made herbs in modern and simple ways

      7- Manufacturing processes such as turning buds into children's chores and ...

                                                                                                                     April 21, 2019

                                                                                                                      Tehran – iran

                                                                                                            Naghmeh  Mohamadiee

                                                                                               golpakhsh sobhemrooz  Cooperative



      Greetings and respect

      It is argued that in order to provide education in the field of urban agriculture and to inform the food security and especially education in schools in Iran, we are planning to train on the national television of Iran, which we hope will be able to get executive approvals.


      Naghma Mohamadiee

      Golpakhs sobhemrooz co-


      Приветствую вас!

      Для того чтобы обеспечить обучение в области городского сельского хозяйства, а также информирование о продовольственной безопасности и, в особенности, обучение в школах в Иране, мы планируем образовательные программы на национальном телевидении Ирана, которые, как мы надеемся, будут одобрены руководством.


      Нагма Мохамадие

      Golpakhs sobhemrooz co-