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To complete my previous contribution, here are a few references :
Robineau, O., 2013. Vivre de l’agriculture dans la ville africaine. Géographie des arrangements entre acteurs à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, Thèse de Doctorat, Université Montpellier 3, Montpellier.
Valette, E., Perrin, C., Soulard, C-T., 2012. Sustainable cities vs sustainable agricultures. A scientific project on agro-urban systems, North and South of the Mediterranean, in Conference Agriculture in an urbanizing society 2012, Wageningen.
Robineau, O., 2015. Toward a systemic analysis of city-agriculture interactions in West Africa: a geography of arrangements between actors, Land Use Policy, 49, 322-331.
Д-р. Ophélie Robineau
I would like to mention the approach we developed about "agri-urban systems" (Joint Research Unit Innovation, CIRAD/INRA french research centers). The agri-urban system approach is a way to understand the complexity of city-agriculture interaction both at the territorial level of a city and its region. This systems approach is based on the intersection of three groups of interactions: i) spatial and historical interactions between nature, agriculture and the city, ii) interactions between the current urban system and urban agriculture (spatial interactions, functional interactions and socio-political interactions), and iii) interactions within the agricultural system. The aim is to identify how a variety of relationships between city and agriculture are developed and what is at stake for the durability of urban agriculture. We have developed this approach in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), and firstly, we showed the historical contribution of agriculture to the development of the city. Farmers have mobilized local resources to develop a diversity of urban or periurban farming activities. Secondly, analyzing the agriurban system reveals specific forms of urban governance and the weight of informality in the development of urban agriculture. Finally, our analysis highlights the weight of crop-livestock and rural-urban interactions in the functioning of the agriurban system (we highlighted strong links between regional agriculture and the developement of urban agriculture: these links are made through agro-indutries located in the city).
It is an approach that has policy implications. Indeed, in allows to consider what is at stake when designing planning policies regarding both urban and rural areas.
We have an article that we soon be published regarding this approach:
Robineau O., Soulard C-T. 2017. Comprendre la complexité des liens ville-agriculture: intérêt d'une approche par le système agri-urbain. Le cas de Bobo-Dioulasso, Afrique de l'Ouest. Natures Sciences Sociétés.