FAO/GIEWS quarterly report ‘Crop Prospects and Food Situation’

The latest issue of the Crop Prospect and Food Situation quarterly report, which focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and low-income food-deficit countries, has been released. The report also includes an overview of global cereal production prospects and a table highlighting countries that require external assistance for food, identifying the primary causes of the local food crises.

Highlights of the report:

  • Countries in need of external assistance: FAO estimates that 37 countries are in need of external assistance for food. Civil conflict continues to be a main driver of severe food insecurity, triggering famine in South Sudan and putting populations at high risk of localized famine in Yemen and northern Nigeria. Weather shocks have also impinged on food availability and access, and have in particular compounded the fragile situation in Somalia where famine conditions continue to be a threat.
  • Africa: Severe food insecurity persists in northern Nigeria and Somalia, while South Sudan remains in the grip of famine. Dry conditions lowered 2017 production prospects in parts of East Africa, while outputs in Southern Africa are forecast to rebound strongly.
  • Asia: Drought in Sri Lanka resulted in a sharp drop in the 2017 paddy output, while recent floods caused extensive damage. Conflicts continue to intensely impact agriculture and food security in Iraq and in the Syrian Arab Republic, while in Yemen localized famine remains a critical risk.
  • Latin America and the Caribbean: Record cereal outputs forecast in Argentina and Brazil in 2017, with production prospects generally favourable in Central American countries, although the possibility of an El Niño developing raises some concern.

The report can be accessed through the following link:
