Новости по продовольственной безопасности, питанию и системам питания

The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014

SOFI 2014 presents updated estimates of undernourishment and progress towards the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and World Food Summit (WFS) hunger targets. The 2014 report also presents further insights into the suite of food security indicators introduced in 2013 and analyses in greater depth the dimensions of food security – availability, access, stability and utilization. In addition, this

FSN Forum article on Street Food

Street Food: The way forward for better food safety and nutrition This article summarizes the outcomes of an FSN Forum online discussion on Street Foods and is included in the publication: Street Food. Culture, economy, health and governance, just released by Routledge. Read more

New course: Food security in an urbanising society

Due to continuing rural-urban migration, over 50% of the world’s population now lives in densely populated urban areas. They rely heavily on all sorts of markets for their daily food needs. These are supplied through overstressed, complex agro-logistical networks that often fail. This course offered by the Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen UR focuses on how rural production and urban

E-Discussion on “Forward Thinking for ICT use in Asian Agri-Food Chains”

From August 13th to September 5th CIARD will host the e-forum on “Forward Thinking for ICT use in Asian Agri-Food Chains” organized by AFITA, FAO and GFAR. This facilitated e-discussion will consider how agri-food chains in Asia may develop in the future (by 2030) and what roles will ICTs may play in their development. The future development of agri-food chains in Asia may also give direction to

IPC Newsletter - July 2014

The fourth issue of the IPC Newsletter highlights important initiatives and technical developments undertaken at global level, among them the Global Event on the Use and Impact of IPC, the Launch of the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Classification and the new IPC Nutrition Classification initiative. It also features recent IPC impacts, results and progress achieved at Regional and Country Level in

National Seminar on Rural Youth in Family Farming: Need and Challenges

National Seminar on “Rural Youth in Family Farming” at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour on December 18-19, 2014. The seminar is an attempt to bring together the stakeholders like researchers, academic institutions, industries, government agencies, farmers, NGOs etc. together on a single platform. In order to address the need and challenges posed in the successful implementation of family

Call for articles: Nutrition values and family farming

The ILEIA quarterly Farming Matters has issued a call for papers on: Nutritional values and family farming. The last issue of Farming Matters for 2014 will focus on how family farming and agroecology support the nutrition of family members and the wider community. The deadline is September 1st, 2014 Read more

Promoting women’s participation and leadership in producers’ organizations

Open online discussion hosted by FAO's TECA platform . The objectives of this discussion are: To share experiences of POs dealing with women's inclusion, participation and leadership issues To share successful experiences of women's participation and leadership in POs and cooperatives To understand better issues faced by women producers in POs and cooperatives To identify ways of strengthening

IPC Global Event on the Use and Impact of IPC

The IPC Global Steering Committee is organizing a two-day IPC Global Event under the theme Use and Impact of IPC at the Global, Regional and Country Level which will take place on July 1-2 2014, at FAO-HQs, Rome Italy. The event will be also the platform to launch the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification as well as to present the the new IPC Nutrition Classification initiative . The

Innovative School Feeding Programme to Combat Extreme Poverty in Zanzibar

On Wednesday 28 May the Government of Zanzibar launched a new innovative Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programme in collaboration with the Partnership for Child Development (PCD) and Table for Two to feed over 5000 school children, whilst simultaneously supporting local smallholder farmers by sourcing their produce for the school meals. “This programme is the first of its kind for Zanzibar and