Доклады и информационные сводки

Youth and Agriculture: Key Challenges and Concrete Solutions

This publication provides real life examples on how to re-engage youth in agriculture. It shows how tailor-made educational programmes can provide rural youth with the skills and insights needed to engage in farming and adopt environmentally friendly production methods. Many of the initiatives and...

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Флагманские публикации ФАО

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017

The report warns that the greater number of conflicts, whose impacts are often exacerbated by climate-related shocks, is one of the main drivers behind the fact that after steadily declining for over a decade, global hunger appears to be on the rise once more. This is threatening to derail the...

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Флагманские публикации ФАО

The State of Food and Agriculture 2017

The new report looks at how population growth, increasing urbanization, technologies, and climate change are transforming rural and urban areas, and how the world’s food systems are evolving. The report concludes that fulfilling the 2030 Agenda depends crucially on progress in rural areas, which is...

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Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

E- learning course: Trade, food security and nutrition

The relationship between trade and food security is attracting increased attention on both the trade and development agendas, with trade recognized as one of the means for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course addresses the linkages between trade and food security, which...

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Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

Infographic: Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition

Worldwide, 795 million people go hungry every day. This figure could be reduced, benefiting millions of people, through the wider adoption and implementation of sustainable forest management as a key component of integrated landscape management, resulting in better protected ecosystem services, more...

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Доклады и информационные сводки

Agriculture in Africa—Telling Myths from Facts: A Synthesis

Stylized facts drive research agendas and policy debates. Yet robust stylized facts are hard to come by, and when available, often outdated. In a special issue of Food Policy, 12 papers revisit conventional wisdom on African agriculture and its farmers’ livelihoods using nationally representative...

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Доклады и информационные сводки

The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition - Advancing knowledge. Supporting policy-making. Impacting lives.

The FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) is an inclusive, neutral platform for people and institutions to share knowledge and support policymaking. Over the years, the FSN Forum online discussions have played an important role in strengthening and democratizing policy dialogue...

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Директивные документы

HLPE ДОКЛАД - Устойчивое развитие лесного хозяйства в интересах продовольственной безопасности и питания

Данный доклад представляет собой научно-обоснованный, всеобъемлющий анализ многообразного прямого и косвенного вклада лесов и деревьев в ПБП. В главе 1 рассматриваются взаимосвязи между лесами и ПБП и предлагается для целей настоящего доклада концептуальная база и типология лесов, основанная на...

Доклады и информационные сводки

Food security, sustaining peace and gender equality: conceptual framework and future directions

The main objective of this study is to generate knowledge and make meaningful, evidence-based and actionable recommendations to governments and other stakeholders, particularly international organizations and FAO staff, on the nexus between supporting food and nutrition security, building peace and...

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