Политика, стратегии и руководящие принципы

Флагманские публикации ФАО

Cостояние мирового рыболовства и аквакультуры 2020

Центральной темой издания доклада "Состояние мирового рыболовства и аквакультуры" 2020 года является устойчивость. Решение уделить этой темеосновное внимание было продиктовано рядом соображений. Во-первых, в 2020 году отмечается 25 летсо дня принятия Кодекса ведения ответственного рыболовства...

Доклады и информационные сводки

Empowering young agri-entrepreneurs to invest in agriculture and food systems - Policy recommendations based on lessons learned from eleven African countries

Measures that empower young agri-entrepreneurs should be a key component of a sustainable development-centred investment promotion strategy. The very realization of future generations’ food security, the sustainable transformation of food systems and the combat against unemployment and distress...

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Доклады и информационные сводки

Рамочная программа ФАО в области школьного питания и продовольственного обеспечения школ

Целью Рамочной программы является содействие правительствам и учреждениям в выработке, преобразовании или укреплении относящихся к школам мер политики, программ и других инициатив, направленных на активное и синергетическое воздействие на рационы, питание детей и подростков, социально- экономическое...

ZOOMINAR - Role of Public Policies in Supporting Innovation for Sustainable Agri-Food System Transformation in the NENA Region

FAO and partners have co-organized a series of Innovation Zoominars addressing the role of innovation and digital technologies in increasing resilience of smallholders to emerging disruptive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural livelihoods.

This Zoominar session will be part of ITU-UNESCO Regional Digital Inclusion Week for the Arab States, focusing on challenges facing the innovation processes in the agriculture sector with regards to governance and public policy aspects. The session will involve all partners and government representatives from the NENA Region and will emphasize on accelerating the development of innovation and digital agriculture in agri-food systems in the countries.

The discussion will examine the role that FAO and partners could play in facilitating the implementation and scalability of such innovations in the NENA region and guiding governments towards a robust policy plan of action to avoid the worst consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the agriculture sector and food security.

Join the Zoominar on Thursday, 12 November 2020 at 13:00 – 15:00 (UTC+2).

You can access the full agenda and further details of the Zoominar here.

Please find the registration link here.

WEBINAR - Home-Grown School Feeding

This international technical webinar is part of the series organized by the FAO eLearning Academy, Agreenium (l'Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France) and UN-ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific). These webinars are an opportunity to share experiences and lessons learnt, discuss challenges, and propose innovative solutions and models. They aim to provide a holistic and comprehensive view of current trends in thematic areas related to global challenges, by combining development research and innovation perspectives.

The main objective is to give practitioners the opportunity to interact with international experts, United Nations officers, University professors, researchers and fellow participants, throughout the world. Webinars can be attended as interactive online sessions on Zoom, where sharing perspectives and asking questions to experts is encouraged.

The objectives of this session on Home-Grown School Feeding are to:

  • define and explain concepts, benefits and beneficiaries of Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programmes;
  • present  the key elements of the HGSF elearning course to support the planning, design and implementation of HGSF programmes, and
  • discuss partnerships as critical enablers for strong and potential successful HGSF programmes.

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 21 October 2020, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST.

Please register here.

Флагманские публикации ФАО

Положение дел в области продовольственной безопасности и питания в мире 2020

В этом году обновленные данные по целому ряду стран позволили более точно оценить масштабы голода в мире. В частности, благодаря вновь опубликованным данным были скорректированы расчеты по недоеданию в Китае за период с 2000 года, в результате чего показатели распространенности недоедания в мире за...