Рынки и торговля


Принципы ответственного инвестирования в сельское хозяйство

Ответственное инвестирование в сельское хозяйство, особенно в малые хозяйства, имеет особое значение для сокращения масштабов нищеты, создания возможностей для достойной занятости, укрепления продовольственной безопасности и улучшения питания и обеспечения экологической устойчивости. Инвестиции в сельское хозяйство сулят множество выгод в плане экономического развития. Однако для этого необходимо, чтобы такие инвестиции осуществлялись ответственно и были направлены непосредственно на достижение таких выгод; при этом следует избегать негативных последствий. Электронные консультации призваны развить предложения и рекомендации, подготовленные в рамках региональных консультаций, давая возможность принять в них участие отдельным лицам и организациями, которые не смогли принять участия в очных совещаниях.

FAO Food Price Index falls for the third consecutive month

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 205.9 points in July 2013, 4 points (nearly 2 percent) below its revised value for June and 7 points (or 3.3 percent) lower than in July 2012. The decline in July, which marked the third consecutive monthly drop, was largely driven by lower international prices for grains, soy and palm oil while sugar, meat and dairy quotations were also down from the previous month.

Доклады и информационные сводки

MAFAP policy brief – Improving wheat trade policy administration to benefit both consumers and producers in the United Republic of Tanzania

Import tariffs and costly import procedures may explain why consumers in the United Republic of Tanzania pay relatively high prices for wheat. Although wheat farmers benefit from higher prices, domestic production has not increased. Indeed, since 2000 domestic wheat production has been able to cover...

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HLPE consultation on the V0 draft of the Report: Biofuels and Food Security

The High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) seeks input on the V0 draft of its report on Biofuels and Food Security. The report aims at providing a balanced science-based assessments of the opportunities and challenges that Biofuels may represent for food security so that they can be produced where it is socially, economically and environmentally feasible.

Asia Pacific Food Situation Update


  • Typhoon Bopha hits Philippines banana harvest hard
  • Global food prices fall slightly in November
  • Afghan domestic wheat flour prices rising
  • Asia cereals harvest at record level in 2012
  • Iran paying higher prices for commodities because of sanctions
  • Viet Nam achieves record rice exports
  • Indonesia and the Philippines likely to cut rice imports
  • Scientists unlock key sections of wheat genome
  • Favourable weather helping Afghan wheat crop
  • Russian wheat threatened by coldest winter in years

HLPE consultation on the V0 draft of the Report: Investing in smallholder agriculture for food and nutrition security

The High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) seeks input on the V0 draft of its report on smallholder investment in agriculture. This study focuses on the policy options for addressing constraints to investments, taking into consideration the work done on this topic by IFAD, and by FAO in the context of COAG, and the work of other key partners. It includes a comparative assessment of strategies for linking smallholders to food value chains as well as an assessment of the impacts on smallholders of different forms of partnership models.


Supporting small-scale farmers to access value-added agribusiness and other market opportunities

What are the ingredients of successful agribusiness initiatives for small-scale farmers in developing countries? How to face the numerous challenges in supporting farmers willing to market their products further down the supply chain?